
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Tuesday 27 June 2023

Yay, it's cooler!

Tuesday 27th June 2023
Ignorance isn't bliss but can make you fat :) 

Deciding I was fed up with being the Annie of the 'diet' world 'Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll diet tomorrow, you're always a day a way' I finally managed a day of tracking and being within my allowance, I also did a meat free day which is one of the challenges in our huddles so a good day all round.   It's not until you have to write it down and accept the totals that you start to wonder if what you're thinking of eating is worth it!  I had leftover lamb which I was gonna eat some of with leftover spuds but when I did the totals, I didn't want to spend 600 calories on brunch so I froze the lamb with the leftover gravy instead to make a shepherds ish pie another day.  

I had a lovely chilled out day yesterday, the only thing I needed to leave the house for was to go buy a fan for Aryn's bedroom, I nipped to my sisters on the way and she gave me one so I drove back round the corner home and put the kettle on!  

I was productive though, I did one load of washing, then sat down to work on our next journal, it's almost finished now, I need about a dozen more recipes and then it's done.  

Speaking of recipes I made this last night for our tea, a Hello Fresh meal, thanks to a coupon, I hadn't realised it was a veggie meal when we ordered, but damn it was tasty to say it had all that green stuff. 


IF you haven't tried it yet and want 60% off first box and 25% off following 10 weeks, here's the code.
Hello Fresh Discount

I went up to bed early to lie and watch tele and I must of fell asleep because he called me at just before 8pm and woke me lol, I've had over 9 hours sleep, thankfully it's cooled down.  I'm trying to watch Redemption on ITV catch up but keep falling asleep, the series is great, I'm just tired when I put it on.  Only on episode 2, but really enjoying it. 

I'm looking forward to this weeks Be Happy Owls chat because I've written it based on tracking and I'm hoping that will help me change my mindset and get me continuing to track daily whether it's good, bad or just plain ugly! 

I'm ready for my day, off to shower and get dressed, not gonna lie, there's no meal plan in place but we do have 2 Hello Fresh meals to choose from for later so at least that's in place.  I've also done an online order as I had another £15 email coupon for Ocado so just bought the things I really need, that's coming tomorrow and will stop me from buying stuff I don't need by walking round the store. 

Let's all have a great day 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx 


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