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Thursday 15 June 2023

Making the effort in the kitchen

Thursday 15th June 2023
It's your choice to make your day good!

Before a wonderful morning at the huddle, I spent 15-20 minutes in the kitchen dicing onion, carrot, yellow pepper, celery, tomato, mushroom, courgette and a chilli pepper into the smallest pieces ever.  My mission was to get Aryn to eat these veggies, especially mushroom and onion of which he doesn't like the texture.   I defrosted 500g of lamb mince, then realised when I got home, I needed more mince because of how many veggies I'd cooked, so I defrosted 500g of beef mince.  Threw it all in together with a tin of tomatoes, oxo cubes, wine stock, tomato puree and cooked it all through until it was resembling a sort of shepherd's pie mix, ooo it was tasty.  I waited for Aryn to get home and asked if he wanted it with mash on top, or in wraps with rice and cheese, he opted for the latter and I had mine with mash.  We both agreed it was delicious and he was good with the veggies because they were diced.  I do love a food success, plus getting the veggies in to him easily is a massive bonus. 

There's loads left too, which I'll freeze for another day.  I then cooked some rock cakes, I did have one, the rest are for Aryn, in-between I sat on my backside in the garden for a bit then afterwards I moved to sitting on my backside in the house as my leg was hurting like hell by then.  I also had a bath to try and relax the leg - ain't my life just the best, seriously though I do love it, I'm happy not to be busy and rushing about all the time anymore. 

Today though, I'm thinking of having a donor kebab!  I've fancied one since we were in Corfu and it's a long day of huddles so I could indulge, if I have at lunchtime, I only have to buy for me lol.  I might change my mind of course but I'm giving myself permission to have it if I choose too.

My days started with a good mug of tea so I'm feeling the need for a second, it's cooled down a tad hasn't it so I've slept better, although Coco seems to have his mad half hour at 4am which I could do without but I managed to fall back to sleep till my alarm at 6 thankfully.  

I'm doing my shop online this week, I have 25% discount for Ocado, so I'm going to stock up on stuff that won't go off, making sure it works out cheaper than my usual shop, most things are about the same price as other supermarkets, M&S stuff is slighty more expensive than in the M&S store but with the discount it's happy days :) 

Well I better go get ready for work, here's to a great day.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me 


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