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Wednesday 18 September 2024

My spine needs me to do this!

 Wednesday 18th September 2024

It may only be two days on track, but I feel so much better!  I also had a moment last night when I realised how much weight I really need to lose and the difference it would make to my joints!  Anita bought 30lb in weight of canned food to the huddle to show us how much weight she'd lost, she was also donating it to the food bank which was of course awesome.  Anyway, I picked up these bags and OUCH, I wasn't impressed at all, so heavy and I felt the effect on my spine instantly, which means if I lost that 30lb, my spine would thank me enormously - NOW I JUST NEED TO KEEP REMEMBERING THAT! 

It really hit home, I have to admit, so if you're in pain and you need to lose weight go and put 7 cans in each carrier bag for every 7lb you want to lose! 

I've eaten basic food the last couple of days but I've enjoyed it, this was my day yesterday, have to say I prefer Aldi beans and sausages to the Sainsbury's one, but there's not a lot in it.  I had full fat mayo on my ham sandwich and it was lush.


Today we're gonna have gammon, mash and veg for dinner later, I've still not used that butternut squash so I need to get that into my meal plan, I fancy it roasted with spaghetti, Aryn doesn't like it though so I need to make it a meal for me only, I could have that instead of the mash I guess, mmm thinking out loud, but I'll get something made, maybe I do it with pork mince and then he just doesn't have the butternut squash. 

I'm gonna go to the gym again today, do me half hour on the recumbent bike and try and get my leg muscles building up a little.  

I've slept better the last few nights too, is that a coincidence?  

I resisted temptation yesterday too, Aryn went over the shops and came back with this lot, then offered me some Maltesers!

I said no, despite having fancied them for a few days, I'm just getting rid of that sugar craving, I didn't want to set it off again.  Oh and I didn't pay for them, he did, I don't have crap in the house so he's not tempted, I buy him one treat when I go shopping as he doesn't need the junk there tempting him either.  If he wants it, he can pay for it, trust me, it makes him think twice before he spends his own money :) 

Mushrooms on toast for breakfast today I think, gonna go make it now, so let's have a great day, we can do this, I'm on Christmas countdown and it's only 97 days - ouch!  WE GOT THIS!

Mwah, luv ya

Love me 

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