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Tuesday 11 June 2024

Teenagers and caffeine

Tuesday June 11th 2024

Do all teenage boys want to sleep all the time?  What's that all about!  I didn't sleep through my teenage years.  I feel like I've gone deaf too cos he speaks in whispers and grunts, I'm like 'what?' constantly, does my head in - he's turned into Kevin the teenager.  It's a good job I love the boy cos he drives me bonkers lol.  Seriously the hardest part of raising a teenager is trying to respond to their behaviour like an adult!  Worse experience really is a good thing I've decided, it shows them what the real working world is all about, it's not FANTASTIC, it's realistic, you don't have FUN all the time - well me and Elle do, but people with proper jobs don't!   It's a great way to make a teenager thing do I want to do an apprenticeship or do I want to stay on and take A levels.  

What's really scary is he's a great kid, so god help anyone who's got a teenager who isn't a great kid!  

Can I use him as an excuse for going over my calories?  Course I can, but it is an excuse, I'm in control of what I eat, I'd have overeaten this week whether he'd been doing work experience or not.  I've been hungry, I've not overeaten on rubbish, I've just eaten bigger portions or higher calorie food this week, it's settling down now though thankfully.

I am ready to sit down and get back to planning meals, instead of winging it!  I'm going to sit down Friday and plan a week of meals and a shopping list.  Yes Friday, I know it's only Tuesday but I'm skint and I have food in the fridge that needs eating.  I had a £50 M&S gift voucher which I spent on food and we'll be eating that the next day or two.  I can however work with that food and be sensible, give Aryn the Indian starters and I'll have the main with rice.  There's frites which I want with egg and beans then I've got fresh pasta and a sauce which I can defrost some mince and have, planning is key isn't it. 

I went back to the gym today, did half hour cardio and my physio exercises because I've not had time in the morning to do them with taking Aryn to his work experience.   I'm aware that my pain that I had at the beginning of the year is nowhere near what I have now but I've gained a bit of weight and if I'm not careful I'm going to risk my pain increasing!  

Temptation is everywhere, I love food and wine (well alcohol in general if I'm honest but mostly my Pinotage Beyerskloof red wine), it will always be a battle but it's a fight I'm happy to have because I'd rather struggle than not enjoy food and wine!

So once again I will draw a line start a fresh and work at keeping all my plates spinning!

Oh let's talk coffee, I've gone decaf and last night I had a cup of coffee with caffeine, I won't be doing that again, I was still wide awake at 11!  Just goes to show the effects caffeine has on the body, we think it's not affecting us but it is!   If you're struggling to sleep at night give up the caffeine, I'm sleeping loads better since I have!

On that note I need to get my ass to bed!  

Night night.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 



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