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Thursday 3 November 2022

Thankful Thursday

3rd November 2022
Celebrate your small wins.

Yesterday I was thankful for Elle, I didn't blog because I spent most of the day in bed. My little head cold that turned into full on lurgy Tuesday night and by the time I woke up yesterday, I barely had a voice, Aryn thought that was hilarious!  I woke at 4ish after getting a decent sleep thanks to Night Nurse, my ribs hurts, my voice had gone and I felt generally yuk, so I had a cuppa and went back to bed and slept till tennish.  I managed to sort Aryn's breakfast and dinner, did the washing up, through some washing in the machine, then tumble dryer then I spent the rest of the day in bed.  I felt worse than when I had covid earlier in the year, it's not covid, I've tested every day, it's just a virus that hit hard, but I've woke up feeling much better, my pains loads better, I can actually breathe again, my voice will take a few days to come back lol, but I'm gonna have a shower and I'll be good to go.  It really helped being able to have a day off and rest, in our previous jobs, we couldn't do that because we didn't get paid but also because we struggled to get someone to cover our meetings, thankfully there's two of us now so we can do a day off.

I've managed to eat, I enjoyed scrambled eggs on toast yesterday, the day before I had Sainsbury's carrot and coriander soup which cost 55p and was delicious, I had it with 2 slices of toast.  
For dinner yesterday I made stewed steak and dumplings, with peas and mash, all using store cupboard stuff, it was delicious, even if Aryn did mock my dumplings, said they were more like scones. 


Aryn also had battered onion rings on his, now we've tried a few of these and his favourite are Coops, they're £1.70 for 454g, Monday I picked up a packet in Farm Foods, I think they were £1.49 and the bag had 750g in them, he didn't comment so I'll assume they were good enough, because he's quick to notice if I change something.  That's a good saving, so I'll be buying them from now on.  

Upside of being poorly, no drinking, so some calories saved there.  

We're supposed to be going to Himley Bonfire Firework thing on Saturday, but the forecast is rain for starters and apparently, they've sold out, 22,000 tickets and recommended people take the bus because of parking troubles that they had last year.  That sucks!  I don't fancy having to arrive 4 hours before the fireworks to guarantee we get in.  Wished I'd not bothered now.

I've got a chicken in fridge, I'll put that in the ninja later I think, quick easy meal again, maybe have it with microwave chips, use up some of the freezer stuff again, 

Here's to Thankful Thursday, what are you thankful for?  Me, it's having food in the kitchen, a warm bed to sleep in, people who love and care for me and two crazy bloomin cats who think it's funny to run round like tornados in the middle of the night!

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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