Tuesday 10 September 2024

Nip in the air this morning!

Tuesday 10th September 2024

Well I was a busy girl yesterday getting stuff done, I never got to the shops for food but we didn't starve!  My sis came round for a chat first thing so I never got started on stuff till half ten, actually I did get a couple of loads of washing in the machine by then at least. 

Not gonna lie, I was shattered and struggled to get the enthusiasm to do anything.  I did the bare minimum in the end, spent some time planning our huddle chat, did the washing up, ended up with 5 or 6 loads of washing!  The ironing part will have to wait till later, I'd say tomorrow but Aryn will need a uniform for tomorrow and he'll wear his last clean one today.

I then made my own version of Welsh rarebit (450 calories)  and it was delicious, 2 slices of toast, 40g of cheese, 1 egg yolk, a dash or two of Worcestershire sauces and a big dollop of English mustard.  I enjoyed it so much I wanted it later for tea but I didn't have any cheese left! My fridge is seriously empty, I need to go shopping today, I really do.

Dinner was a quick and easy cottage pie, 5% beef mince, diced onion and carrot, frozen peas, canned sweetcorn, a couple of Oxos and a bit of Bisto, topped with Idahoan mash and a sprinkle of cheese, easily served 4 huge portions for 456 calories.  Such a simple meal to make and hit the spot when you're hungry and tired.  The weather is getting cooler and this is the kind of food I like to eat. 

I managed to fit in a couple of UW appointments, lovely to see people I haven't seen for a long time and have a catch up, even better saving them money.   I had a zoom meeting at 8 and I was in bed just after 9, struggled to fall asleep again but I've had 7h 40m so catching up on the missed sleep of the weekend. 

Busy day again today, I have to confess, I didn't plan the weeks meals but I do have a good idea of what's in the freezer, I'm going to defrost a couple of things for Aryn and have it ready for him to eat when he comes in so he doesn't have to defrost it himself!  I'm not buying anything that we won't eat this week, we will use more of the freezer stuff!  I will save a few pounds...

On that note, I'm off for a shower to wake me up and then I'll be ready for the day ahead :) 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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