Monday 9 September 2024

Great weekend had

Monday 9th September 2024

Well that weekend flew and it was wonderful, it won't have helped my weight loss though!  Hey ho, here's to a good day today.  

After a great huddle Saturday morning, Aryn and I drove down to his dad up, then we drove to Cardiff to meet up with his mom and sister (Aryn's nan and aunty).  It was all about the food, alcohol and catching up and it was great.  After checking into the hotel, we met them for lunch, I had Welsh rarebit as I didn't want to be too full before dinner later. 

Our meal at Miller & Carter was delicious as always, although the steak we had the other week at that Cefn Mawby Arms is still the winner.  We had the sharer meal which came with a bottle of wine, we shared that, pacing myself as I knew it was going to be a late one :)


We ended up back at the hotel where we ordered two doubles and got charged £21.50!  Aryn couldn't have a drink so we all decided to go to Tesco Express and buy a drink and we all went back to their room and had our own little party.  It ended just after 2am, let's just say me and him shared a bottle of Jack Daniels, his mom and sister were on the vodka and his mom was singing us a few tunes ;) A great evening.

Thankfully I managed to sleep until half nine Sunday morning, before enjoying a lovely shower and heading out for breakfast at Bill's, it's a chain I'd never heard of but their breakfast was delicious and I got to have this plate of scrumptiousness!

Aryn and I headed home after a little walk round and got back about half four, finishing the weekend off with a Chinese takeaway, I just had fried rice and a pancake roll and then just chilled for the rest of the day.  

There's a hell of a lot of washing and housework to be done this morning.  I had too much caffeine this weekend so struggled to fall asleep, I forget diet coke isn't decaf, then I did have a few teas and coffees forgetting to ask for decaf but I've managed 7 hours after my 5 hours the night before, hopefully I'll have an early night tonight.

I got a busy day today, a couple of UW appointments this evening, want to help as many people as possible before the October price increase comes into play!  Need to plan this weeks huddle chat and work my way through the baskets of washing, hoping it won't rain so I can dry it! 

Then there's food!  What to eat today?  I'm still full from the weekend so I'll be keeping it light, fridge is empty but there's still some stuff in freezer to work through. 

 I will try and get to the gym if I have an hour but I'm not gonna force myself, I could burn a shed load of calories cleaning the house! 

106 days to Christmas - oh my days, that means there's only 113 days left in 2024, where has this year gone, ridiculously fast, time flies when you're having a good time I guess :) 

I've just decided I'm actually going to not rush today, I'm going to take some time to plan my meals for the week, give myself a chance at success at the scales going forward, on a positive, I didn't have any alcohol last night :) 

Let's have a great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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