Wednesday 11 September 2024

Brrrrr.... I'm cold!

Wednesday 11th September 2024

It's getting real cool in the mornings isn't it!  My heating is not going on yet though, I may be on a great, fixed rate with UW but I'm still not putting it on yet, I'll wear my dressing gown and thankfully Aryn doesn't feel the cold anyway!  

I had a full day yesterday, 3 huddles, a trip to Aldi, spent £70 on filling the fridge and the fresh veg drawer, oh and bottled water which I hate buying but it means they drink plenty of water so I buy it and at least there's is the cheapest.  My living room still looks like a bombs hit it but at least all the washing has been done and put away, plus I ironed Aryn's uniform.

Got home a little later than usual as I helped a couple of my members with their bills, they're both now saving money and have them all in one app so it's easier to keep on top of them without worrying about the price increase on energy next month! 

Food wise, I had, avocado and egg on toast with tomatoes for breakfast, the egg white is bigger because I'd used a yoke the day before and kept the white so added it to breakfast.

For lunch I had this M&S mini meal which was only 288 calories, I cooked some savoy to go with it, I wouldn't buy it again, wasn't keen on the gravy, but the rest was okay and it's only small I know but it was great for a lunch, as filling as a sandwich for sure.  They're 3 for £8, I'd bought it on a whoopsie and put it in freezer.


For dinner, I had grey peas and no one needs to see a photo of them, they don't look good on a plate do they!  

I indulged in a handful of cheddars, they slid in the trolley in Aldi after having a couple when I picked himself up at the weekend, he had some on his table!  Have to say the Aldi version were as tasty as the real deal and I'm guessing a lot cheaper.

Oh my shock of the day was a conversation with the doctors receptionist, so anyone who's been following me knows I've started shooting, I love it, it gets me outside in the fresh air, I completely forget everything for a few hours as I just focus on that target and it takes all my attention, it's actually really relaxing.  Anyway, I want a shotgun licence so that we can start doing that regularly because to hire a gun is expensive so owning our own makes sense and to do this you have to have a licence.  We also want to be able to take our air rifles to Ireland at Christmas and there you need a licence for anything so having a shot gun licence would help us to get one of them.  Anyway, back to the conversation, so a month ago I took over a form that I need my doctor to complete for me to apply for the gun licence and I went over to chase it up.  I knew I'd have to pay for it, but yesterday when she told me it was gonna cost £150, I was amazed, that's ludicrous, it's a 4 page document, two for them to read, 2 to complete, one of which is tick boxes.  That's actually more expensive than the gun licence application!  Ridiculous!  

But, there you go, what can you do, oh and it had to be cash! 

I'm going to move on to today, huddle this morning, gonna have me a trip to the gym I think, I was thinking about swimming but my neck and shoulders have been hurting the last few weeks and I don't want to aggravate them, I still can't put my face in the water, so I'll go in the gym do a little cardio and get back on some light strength training.

 Foodwise, I have leftover cottage pie which we can eat or I'll freeze, depends on whether I fancy cooking because I take Aryn to MMA later plus I have a UW appointment whilst he's there, trying to help as many as possible before October, so let me know if you want me to look at yours. 

I really need to tidy this living room, it's annoying me now!

Here's to a positive day, hope you have one too,

Luv ya,

Love me x 

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