Monday 1 July 2024

Lovely weekend, not to fill that tracker!

Monday July 1st 2024

Well I've had a lovely weekend away and I'm ready to get a grip!  We had planned to try and walk up Snowdon but the weather was vile so we all agreed to not bother.  Instead we went to Portmeirion which I've always wanted to visit and it didn't disappoint. Sunday we visited Conwy falls which is a lovely short walk and worth the £2 entry.  After walking round all weekend I realised I don't think my back is ready for it yet and my knee is screaming 'lose some weight bitch!'  Hence my decision and conversation with himself on the way home that I need to lose some weight for health reasons, if he has goodies he's not to let me have them and he's taken all the 'treats' he has in his van so I'm not tempted when he's away - if it's not there, I can't eat it! 

I didn't realise when we were having the conversations that it was the first day of the month and a Monday to boot, plus we're starting the second 6 months of the year so yeah, time to get back to tracking and as if by magic, our new ones have arrived!  We've made them 4 weeks, so we can focus on one month at a time.

I'm going to sit and do a bit of planning for the week ahead and make a shopping list, but I'm going to have fish for dinner today I think, use up some of the stuff in the freezer.

I wasn't too bad at the weekend, I took cottage pie with me for our dinner Friday night, Saturday we had bacon sandwiches for breakfast, then they wanted bacon baps at elevenses so I had a sausage bap, which was amazing.  Dinner was a roast beef dinner in the pub which was lush.  Of course there was alcohol involved and I indulged in a few sweets back at the MH but I resisted pudding.  

Sunday I had eggs on toast for brekkie, then this lovely pork dinner on the way home, finished my weekend off with port and stilton with crackers and now I'm ready to draw the line as they say and stop messing about and as my knees are screaming 'lose some weight bitch'.  

Hoping lots of our members are up for joining me in my tracking for the next four week - Just do it in July!  

My fridge is a bit empty and I don't think I have any bread which isn't a bad thing, might have an omelette for breakfast, start getting the quantity without the excessive calories.  

Yeah let's do this, I'm gonna do my physio first because the yoga and pilates isn't enough I don't think for my back, I will take care of myself!  Will you take care of you?

Mwah, luv 

Love me xxx

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