Tuesday 25 June 2024

Sunny days are here!

Tuesday 25th June 2024

What a beautiful day again, lovely to wake up to sunshine rather than rain!  

I finally was happy to have salad because it was hot enough outside!   Had it with the M&S lasagne off the meal deal, really tasty! 

I need to remember this because my knee would love less pressure on it! 

My breakfast was lush too and I had an extra egg instead of butter because 10g of butter is 74 calories, whereas one large egg is 76 and a medium is 66. 

I was still over on my daily allowance but I'm working on it!  At least I did yoga and pilates at the gym, both of them are mild and restorative so I know they're not burning calories, they're toning and stretching my body which is what my back needs.  

We used a band yesterday in pilates which I wouldn't mind having one for home, it was fabric rather than that plastic stuff and had 8 sections on it so you could put your hand in different numbers for different intensity, just had a look on Amazon can't see one at minute but they were good for doing arm exercises without weights.  Wouldn't take up any space in the house either!  

Because I got up so early yesterday all my jobs were done before I went to my classes so the afternoon I didn't have to get stuff done in that heat.  Aryn had his hair cut after school so whilst she was here she gave me a trim too, haven't had my hair cut for a year I bet but she said it was in good condition thankfully. 

Busy day today, lots of huddles, I've already got my washing on the line - woo hoo, how great is that especially as we know it's going to dry!  The simple pleasures of a middle aged woman!  

Right that's the exciting life of me lol, I wouldn't want it any other way though so I'll go jump in the shower and get ready for work. 

Have a great one!

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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