Tuesday 2 July 2024


Tuesday 2nd July 2024

WOW WOW WOW I managed to walk up and down the Wrekin and I'm not crying this morning, my body has handled it surprisingly well!  This makes me so happy, I can't even begin to explain my joy, being able to walk again and now feeling that Snowdon and big hills are possible is just amazing to think I could barely walk for a few minutes at the beginning of the year.  I still struggle with standing still but I can live with that.  

This has motivated me to want to lose more weight so I can give my knees a break.  Breakfast yesterday was all about using up what was in the house, I found a couple of yellow peppers and 6 mushrooms that were ready to walk out the fridge, so air fried them and had with scrambled eggs.  At lunchtime I was out so didn't eat, plus I wasn't hungry.  Then for dinner I had gastro fish, mash and veggies, again the cauli was saying if you don't eat me today, I'm gonna be dead by tomorrow! 


That was my food day, it looks like this on my tracker; 

Exercise wise, I went to the gym after doing my physio exercises at home and there I was booked on to do pilates and yoga, both low intensity ones, however the pilates had been replaced by something called CIRCL Mobility, which was a bit less low intensity than the pilates and I struggled with some of the moves but I did most of it, when I left I was thinking 'should I really have done this before attempting the walk up the Wrekin'.  I did okay though, it didn't stop us doing it, we were up there in 40 minutes and by the time we got back down, it had taken 1 hour and 10 minutes, that's not bad going for us I reckon, having not done anything for a very, long time.   

I feel really good this morning, I'm shocked I'm not in agony and I've done my physio exercises already and it's only 7am, the damn cat was jumping up my door at 5am, so I've also got my second load of washing in the machine. 

Ready to take on the day, we also nipped to the shop last night after I'd taken Aryn to the gym (yes more exercise!  I did 27 minutes on the recumbent bike whilst he got back into doing the gym), his 'clean living' seems to be over as he's sat next to me eating jam on scones for breakfast!  I bought me some nice veggies whilst he bought himself food that he'll eat for his meals so I don't have to worry about whether he'll eat what I'm having because I know he won't so he's got his own!  

Right lets do this day and thank you to the lovely lady who reminded me that I spent a decade looking after mom and now I'm living my best life so it's understandable that I've been struggling to lose weight, she's so right but I'm ready now, I can live my best life and lose some weight with a bit more care and attention!

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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