Monday 24 June 2024

Let's be awesome!

Monday 24th June 2024

I've had a lovely chilled out weekend, well apart from the housework, baskets of washing and cooking :) I wouldn't change anything though, love my life.  Well maybe a lottery win so we can pay someone else to do the housework!

I enjoyed my yoga and pilates that I did on Friday, will definitely keep doing those, they're as good as the physio exercises for my back and knee.  

Friday tea time we had tapas from Aldi with a few bits from M&S reduced section, I wouldn't buy the tapas stuff again, but the super salad from M&S was the best thing on that table. 

Yesterday was too hot to spend time cooking so we had this Aldi cottage pie that had been recommended, less than a fiver and fed the three of us, I'd buy it again, 376 calories in a third of it, only 274 in the 1/4 that's the recommended portion!  It's 1.2kg so large, I put a bit of cheese on the top for flavour too.

After spending the morning at work Saturday, then a few hours doing UW with new team partner Stacey who signed up two customers, we went out with my bro and sis in law Saturday, just a few beers in the pub garden, but he also signed up for UW to help put all his bills together and save him money - we did that before the drinking!  If you wanna see if I can save you money, get in touch or maybe you want to become a partner like Stacey and make some money.

I know I shouldn't say it, but it's too hot to sleep lol, it's rained most of the year and now it's too warm at night for my liking, I like a happy medium.

I've got a busy ish day, going to do pilates and yoga, need to sort huddle chat, I've already sorted the kitchen because I got up at 4 with him, tried to go back to sleep and couldn't so gave up.  

We had a little bit of drama yesterday which meant I had to call the police and they came round, won't go into details on here but let's just say it's a case of mistaken identity, they're threatening me over the phone thinking I'm someone else!  Just don't need it!  I'm glad I'm not the person they are after though! 

Right, I'm not gonna think about all that, I'm focusing on the positives, I'm moving more, trying to eat better, going to have a healthy week because he's away and I can, there's food in the fridge so I have no excuses, might treat myself to a salad bowl to save the hassle of chopping, it's finally warm enough for lettuce :) I'm thinking roast chicken for dinner with baby potatoes and salad nom nom. 

Here's to a great day, poor Aryns still coughing and it's gone to his sinuses cos he says he's gone deaf, I'm a bit sniffy this morning, I'm hoping it's hayfever not a cold, I don't feel ill so that's a positive.

Let's do our best today shall we?

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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