Wednesday 19 June 2024

Yoga, now for Pilates

Wednesday 19th June 2024

Midweek already!  I'm trying to get active this week, Monday I went and did a Yoga class at the gym, I enjoyed it, I had to adapt some of the moves because of my back but I managed the hour and I'll go again.  I also did a little bit of cardio in the gym, walking on the machine and the recumbent cycle, 30 minutes in total I think.  Yesterday I did the cardio again, 45 minutes this time and today I've booked Pilates to try, I was on the waitlist but have woke up to being in the class, here's to seeing how I fair in that!  

I know it's not going to cancel out a bad diet, yep I didn't track again yesterday, I did Monday so that's progress, I've got to get rid of the bread that's in the kitchen, it's stale now so that's a good thing, pecan and cranberry loaf, mmmm too moreish though and I need to stop buying butter for a while because I can't resist it at the minute!  Thankfully the fun size Maltesers have now gone, although what's fun about 11 Maltesers I don't know, now the share bag, that's fun, thankfully I've resisted them!  I shouldn't have opened that bottle of Bailey's last week because it's sweet and now I'm fancying sweet stuff so I need to sort my surroundings - if it's not there, I can't eat it!  

It's mock exam week in this house and I'm feeling it as much as he is!  It's very TENSE in the house, yes tense is the best word to describe the situation.   Even though I've told him just to do the best he can, it's not helping that he's not well.  

I'm going to work for a rest!  

I've taken some lamb in gravy out of the freezer, from a Sunday dinner we had a while back and I'm going to make a dinner with veggies and mash with it, Aryn can either eat it or make his own - can you tell my nose is out of place because he didn't eat his chicken stew last night, left it in fridge and had noodles, so I've had to force it in the freezer and that's full!  In truth I don't blame him because it wasn't great but I had to eat mine lol.

I think I'm going to have scrambled eggs for my breakfast, I've got some lovely cherry tomatoes to have with them, yeah that's a plan so I'm gonna get off.  

If like me you're struggling with it all, do what you can, do your best and make a plan.  I'm sat here thinking what's in the freezer that I can eat the rest of the week, it really does help.

Have a great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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