Monday 3 June 2024

I can't wait for today...

Monday 3rd June 2024

I can't believe I haven't blogged since Wednesday, I've just been so busy in the mornings and not managed to fit it in!  So what's happened since then...

Well firstly, I maintained on the scales again so I was pleased as it was half term and bank holiday.  Friday Aryn and I went out for lunch I had  £25 voucher for Miller and Carter so we had the lunch menu 3 courses for £19.99 and we both had the burgers = nice!  Starter was salt & pepper calamari and dessert was apple pie and custard, I didn't eat the pastry, I wasn't keep but Aryn inhaled it! 

I don't think this is bad for £19.99


My weekend has been spent being a domestic goddess!  Himself went back to Ireland for one night so I decided I'd make use of having time to get stuff done.  That spare room has driven me mad for months so I gutted with the aid of Aryn, we've turned it into a room where we can store clothes and do my ironing or put a couple of clothes dryers when I'm not in there.  FUNCTIONAL which is what I need as this house ain't very big.  We went and bought a clothes rail and typical one of the bars was damaged so I had to go back to Argos but they didn't have another one so I had to wait till Sunday to get that.  I can now use the steamer on clothes because I can hang it whilst using it and damn that steamer is good for shirts and stuff.  

I know this is sad but I was so chuffed that I was able to stand and iron for hours on end - I haven't been able to do that for two years.  I did do some of it sitting down but I couldn't do that before either.  I might get to wear some of the clothes that I haven't been wearing now because they needed ironing.

When I nipped to Sainsbury's yesterday to switch the bars in Argos, I got a basket of food, how easy is it to spend £30 - ouch.  Even bigger ouch as when I walked back to the car, my back started to seize up, I was in bits by the time I got home.  I took a couple of paracetamol and a couple of Ibuprofen because I wanted to get more stuff done.  I did sit long enough to drink a coffee, I'd treated myself to some Tassimo decaf americano, oh it was great and I couldn't tell it was decaf.  

My next job was a deep clean of the wetroom, a couple of loads of washing hung out and dried in the garden because for once it didn't rain, then I finished off with cleaning the kitchen, mopping all the floors and my back was still in pain but not as much.  

I cooked a macaroni cheese which was reduced in Sainsbury's, one of those posh Charlie Bigham's, it was serves 2 but I ate the lot, having said that, I hadn't eaten since breakfast when I had an omelette (I'm getting damn good at making them) and I didn't eat again.  I did do pork in honey and mustard sauce in the slow cooker but by the time the chops had defrosted and it went on, it was too late for anyone to want to eat it, so that's dinner cooked today.  

Aryn went to bed early as he's had a snotty cold started, I hope he's well enough to go back to school today! 

After I'd eaten my dinner, I had a glass of wine and fell asleep for 20 minutes, when I woke up my back was loads better, turns out red wine is better than painkillers lol.  I was stiff for the rest of the day and woke a few times in pain but I've been a lot worse so it's all good.

I'm in for a treat today, Elle and I are off to see the Highland cows, I'm really looking forward to it, I've always loved them and when we were chatting the other week and Elle suggested it, I didn't even know it was a thing, that you could do a 'highland cattle experience', then when I tried to book something, they were all full.  Elle messaged me Friday to say she'd found a place and they had space for today, added bonus, it's not too far away. 

Here's to a great day!  What a way to spend a Monday.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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