Tuesday 4 June 2024

Here's to a great day!

Tuesday 4th June 2024

I had a lovely day yesterday, the cows were amazing!  Highland Cattle & Stud Experience's | Rhosyn Stud & Pedigree Livestock (rhosynfarm.co.uk) did not disappoint, close by and cheap compared to others, I just wanted to get close, I didn't need all the frill of afternoon tea and the likes. 

This is Ruby, she was my favourite,

Although I was really taken by the bull, he was so gentle and loved being brushed. 

We ended what was a wonderful experience with lunch at the Turf, a tasty carvery followed by sticky toffee pudding which wasn't really sticky toffee but it was a tasty sponge pudding.  I was so full at the end, my belly hurt for half hour and I didn't eat again the rest of the day, oh I lie, I had half a slice of bread at about half 8 on the night.  

No housework was done at all yesterday, I chilled out, went and had my nails done at (5) Facebook, a pretty sparkly brown colour, it's name was 'statement earrings', random names aren't they!  

Aryn was poorly, stinking head cold so no gym for us last night, but I have just done an hour of stretching and exercise this morning, my normal physio with a 20 minute video of wall exercises, I'm having to use the back of the living room door as there's no clear walls in our house, they all have a radiator or something in front of them!  Three sets of tricep dips, side plant, plank, shoulder taps, clapping push ups, each 1 minute long, all standing up so doable, the dips were the most difficult I didn't manage the full minute on the first two sets!

Woke up feeling good, my recovery time after I hurt my back from doing stuff is getting shorter which is amazing.  I treated myself to a china mug and water bottle from the highland cattle experience as a reminder of a lovely experience, I've wanted a china mug for a long time and the water bottle will mean I'll drink tap water so it'll save me money eventually :) it's a metal bottle, I don't like those plastic sucky things!

On that note, I better get dressed for work, still in my pjs! 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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