Wednesday 29 May 2024

It's been a day....

 Wednesday 29th May 2024

I'm shattered!  We've just got back from Birmingham and walking round all the shops, Aryn dragged me everywhere, 7 miles and nothing bought, then we drove from the station to McArthur Glen, no joy there either, we ended up in Boundary Mills and he bought a jacket!  

Then I walked in the house to find this beast on the kitchen floor, a pressie from my sister and her hubby - how spoilt am I!

I can't wait to play, so excited, almost forgot my tiredness, need ingredients and food and ooooooo it's so pretty :) 

It's a 14 in 1, it even makes toast, I mean when you ain't got a toaster that's an added bonus, I need to take a breathe, read the instructions and get Aryn back to school so I've got some time to myself to play.

Back to the walking, I was in pain but I managed all those steps, I'm so pleased that I'm getting there slowly, keeping my physio up too and trying to do a bit of exercise as well.

I'll take the booklet with me and read it in the car when I take him to his MMA class in a bit.  

Food wise I've been doing okay, today I had fruit and yogurt for breakfast, in Birmingham I watched Aryn eat a German Doner Kebab and we've just had sushi when we got back, a too good to go offer, so £30 of sushi for a tenner.  I've just had 2 slices of toast and butter though cos I was tired, hungry and wanted warm food.  I'll not eat again today though I don't think but if I do, I'll be sensible. Gonna track what I had in a minute. 

Here's to a quiet evening and a great day of huddles tomorrow. 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx 

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