Saturday 25 May 2024

Up early thanks to the cats!

 Saturday 25th May 2024

Awake since half four thanks to the cats, but I was in bed early because I had a headache and I was so tired, I'd actually fell asleep on the sofa yesterday for half hour about half 6, I think it's because I'm coming of caffeine.  Hopefully I'm over the worst of it I have to say Yorkshire tea decaf tastes as good so I don't feel like I'm losing out, the decaf coffee is alright too. Let's see if it helps with my joint pain.

I had a quiet day yesterday, wrote the notes ready for next weeks huddle, nipped to the shop for a few bits and topped up on diesel, then finished my book.  Aryn and I went to the gym but we were both tired, he's done 4 hours of MMA this week and 3 sessions at the gym, when we got back, he wasn't up to another MMA class and he had an omelette and disappeared to bed, I didn't see him again. 

I made spag bol for dinner, his had gone this morning so I'm guessing he woke up at some point lol. 

Looking forward to this mornings huddle then I've no idea what the day holds, I've got a kitchen full of washing that I've started but housework is not being done this weekend, it'll wait, I want to recharge my batteries, my backs still hurting but at least I've managed to do my physio this morning, I didn't yesterday. 

I'm thinking gammon, egg and chips for dinner later, easy meal, again not feeling the love for spending too much time in the kitchen.

Right I'm fed and watered and ready for my day, had mackerel on toast for breakfast, that'll keep me going for a good few hours, trying ay I!  Let's have a great day x

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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