Friday 24 May 2024

Yay, it's Friday...

Friday 24th May 2024

It's been a busy week which is one of the reasons I haven't blogged but I also feel like I've not got much to say that's any different to the day before, my life is nice and calm these days with only the same things as everyone else going on if you get what I mean but I'll blog and you can decide whether you want to read them or not.

My week since I got back from my lovely weekend away has mostly been filled with huddles and driving boy wonder around to mma classes (mixed martial arts), he's enjoying them so much we've signed him up for unlimited classes which means I have to be a taxi mom and I'm sitting outside in the car waiting as by the time I've driven home, it's time to go back again.  

We've done the gym too, 3 times this week, I also went for a walk Tuesday night when I got back from work but then since Wednesday I've been tired and in pain, not sure if it's from doing so much or caffeine withdrawal as I've been on decaf tea and coffee since Monday, hopefully cutting it out will help my inflammation and I'll feel better because of it.

Food wise, I nipped to M&S Tuesday and treated us to some nice food, having said that, it didn't work out much different to shopping at Aldi which I nipped in too.  I picked up some whoopsie yellow sticker meals which saved me a few pounds, plus a meal deal which included this lamb moussaka.  It was delicious and will definitely be purchased again, especially at 568 calories for half, tasty and filling. 


Another reason I'm tired is Minnie has turned into a middle of the night monster, throwing herself at the bedroom door handle from 3am!  I've found a solution to stop the jumping, I've hung my big dressing gown on the door, but now she's meowing instead!  

Having said that, I've had a good 8 hours sleep last night, was asleep by 9, woke at 5.30 awake for an hour in the night according to the fitbit app.

No plans for this bank holiday, I'm glad because we can get a few things done around the house, he's gonna service the cars and we can chill out in the garden if the sun shines. 

Today, I've got paperwork to do but I'm gonna have a lazy morning after I've done my physio, I might have a nice long bath when Aryn's left for school, yeah that sounds like a plan.

Here's to a calm day, have a good one. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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