Thursday 16 May 2024

Oh ma'an the things you agree to!

Thursday 16th May 2024

Draw a line day for me today, I'm hoping stepping on those scales is going to be what I need to get me back on track! 

I know, I know, I know, I say it often but do you know what, I love eating and drinking so cutting down on it is difficult and I have to keep starting over!  We've also been eating out the freezer to save a few pounds, then yesterday I had a Maccy's, yep a big mac and fries for £2.99, it was a coupon from a feedback form, did you know you can keep getting the coupons if you keep filling in the feedback form online, it only takes a few minutes to do.  At least it was my dinner I suppose.  

Today will be better, it'll be tracked anyways, at least we did a gym session, not as long as I was in pain yesterday but I did 20-25 minutes which is better than nothing.  I need to start building up on the walking because I stupidly agreed to attempt Snowdon at the end of next month!  It's my brothers 60th and we're gonna push ourselves to see if we can still do it, to think we've done it 3 times in one day in the past using all 6 paths!  Oh the good old days when we were young and fit! 

I need to get wriggle on or I'll be late for work, here's to trying again to get my healthy on! 

Just know if you're struggling, you're allowed to press that reset button as many times as you wish, this isn't easy when you love life and you enjoy going out and having a good time!  

We got this, slow and steady wins the race. xx

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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