Wednesday 15 May 2024

Damn those Haribos!

Wednesday 15th May 2024

Time to once again GET A GRIP!  I just love food and wine and having a good time - what can I say!  My eating has improved as the week has gone on but I still need to cut down on the calories, yesterday I had mackerel for breakfast and it was tasty, not sure I'd want it every week though. 

Our dinner was pasta frittata which again was okay but I wouldn't really want it again.  At least I added plenty veggies to it. 

I then spoilt my total by eating a bag of haribos, they weren't even the nicest ones - why do we do it?  I bought them for himself, opened them to have a couple, wasn't that impressed with them, but continued eating the bag.  It really is true that you can't eat what isn't there - I shouldn't have bought them.

Line drawn, fresh day, here's to making it a healthy one.

I couldn't complete my physio this morning, was in pain, it's all about balance and I've done a lot more walking this last week and we'll go to the gym later so it's all good.

I've got a dentist appointment later after huddle so a busy day ahead, I've just started with a big breakfast, I've had kippers, again they were tasty but a faff to watch for the bones and high in calories!  Two fillets 240g is 538 calories compared to 240g of beef steak which is only 324, you should only have one of the fillets I suppose but I've eaten both, with bread and an egg and ouch this plate of food set me back 1032 calories, I definitely won't eat until tea time.  That's cheese triangles not butter btw.


If I'm honestly one fillet and one slice of bread would have been more than enough with the egg.  

I'm ready for my day, still trying to work out a way to stop the damn cat jumping up the door handle in the night, but at least I went back to sleep - nightmare cat!

Have a great day, I plan too.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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