Friday 17 May 2024

I lost a pound - must be doing something right!

Friday 17th May 2024

Yep I managed a loss, I'll take that, now to keep going with the healthy, yesterday went went regarding eating good food.  I nipped into Sainsbury's between our morning huddle to get a meal deal because I knew I wouldn't be home for hours.  I choose smoked salmon and cream cheese on oatmeal bread sandwich, carrot and houmous as the side and a smoothie for the drink, that was 593 calories in total but it was both my breakfast and lunch as I didn't eat again till dinner which was YoSushi, from the too good to go app, £15 worth of food for a fiver, I like sushi and Aryn had asked about doing Japanese only the day before so this was a cheap way of doing it!  It was high in calories at 1,102 but I couldn't eat all I had on my plate, there was easily enough food for 3 people in the two bags we had for a tenner, it even had a dessert thing which Aryn ate. 

It was a busy day with 3 huddles, picking up my glasses from the opticians, fetching the sushi from Tesco, I wasn't in the house much until I got home at half six!  I completely forgot to go for a walk but I still managed 8,430 steps, I'm going to go do my walk as soon as I've finished this blog so I don't forget today!  Not sure how far I'll walk, I'll see how my body holds up, build up steady, if need be, I'll do a walk this morning and one later one, but I'd like to do at least half hour building up to an hour.  

My knee is the only thing that's making it difficult now, which is great because my backs holding up really well!  Another reason to get back to losing weight as it'll take some pressure off that knee, I must remember this when I'm tempted! 

I've been looking into inflammation a little and I've just listened to a video on YouTube whilst I was doing my physio and that talks about what foods to cut down on and what to add in, so I'm going to see if that helps.  Fish and omega 3 is good, vitamin C,  nuts and olive oil are good but cut down on food with added sugar, red meats, pastries and other things with saturated fats in. 

I've been adding in more fish this week, I enjoy it too, in future when he wants his bacon sandwich or cooked breakfast on a weekend, I'll have smoked mackerel, smoked salmon or tinned fish on toast, I like it, so it's not like it's a hardship!  

It'll be interesting to see if it makes a difference over time, I love walking and if that doesn't motivate me to try and do this, not much will! 

Right I've started the day in a positive way, scrambled eggs with a piece of slice of multiseed wholemeal farmhouse loaf, delicious, I've had a mug of tea with it.  I've started drinking decaf coffee as caffeine apparently can affect inflammation too, not changed my teabags yet, but I only have one or two mugs a day and decaf Yorkshire tea is twice the price! I need to taste it before investing I thinks....

For dinner we're doing another TooGoodToGo order this time from Panku which is in the Asda apparently, Panku is street food flavours of East and Southeast Asia, so noodles, rice bowls, sushi, I'll let you know what it's like.  It's on Nutracheck too so happy days, I can track it. 

Weather forecast looks okay so hopefully I won't get wet whilst walking but I'm not made of sugar I won't melt I guess :) 

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and take care of you - I plan too. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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