Monday 19 June 2017

It's hotting up!

19th June 2017
One bad chapter doesn't mean your story is over.

And so begins another week, although this one is starting HOT, what a warm day it was yesterday and there wasn't any breeze at all, there's a little this morning so I've got all the windows open to try and cool the house down before the sun gets hotter.

There wasn't a lot done in our house yesterday, I didn't manage to clar up the kitchen on the afternoon, the floor still needs doing, actually the whole house needs a hoover but that wasn't going to happen yesterday. Walked Alfie twice, the random dog asked for a walk in the middle of the afternoon, 29 degrees and he wants to walk, barmy boy.

Foodwise I had a delicious bacon and mushroom sarnie for breakfast and mom fancied fish and chips so I had a fish sandwich with a superfood salad and it was delicious.

Weigh in today, I'll take anything it gives me, I said I'd do 2lb but who was I trying to kid.... To get 2lb off I'd have to be 100% on track and I haven't done that for a very long time. What I have been this week is in control of the snacking, I haven't bought the stuff so I haven't eaten it.

So I've paused my blog to come out with Alfie for a walk, it is lovely and fresh out here. Yesterday we were sitting in the shade - I never do that but it was evident it was gonna burn bad otherwise. Mom and I read the papers to each other, I did manage to find the odd happy story in amongst all the gloom.

Life is always better when you focus on the good stuff, even when that's difficult to do. There was a fantastic photo in one paper of 3 goslings and it said if you could only see 3 you weren't looking hard enough, there was a 4th in the clouds. The lady had took the photo as part of the 365 challenge, basically taking a photo every day of the year. I'm always taking photos but I do like the idea of taking one a day as a way of documenting my year. Yesterday's would have to be this one;

That's how we all felt by bedtime, so hot, no air, I assumed a similar position on top of the bed about half hour later (luckily there isn't a photo of me), I wasn't covered in fur though thankfully!

Oh it appears we are on a walking mission this morning, he's helping me burn a few calories before my weigh in I hope.

Not sure what's on the menu today, we're working through the fridge contents by use by dates. It's all healthy and delicious stuff though, whatever I'm having.

Right I'm waffling and I want to enjoy the scenery for a bit so I'll catch ta later.

Here's to another healthy and happy day, focus on the smile moments BeYOUtiful, I'm going too.  

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