Sunday 18 June 2017

Writing it down!

18th June 2017
The days worthwhile when you make someone smile.

What a glorious morning, Alfie's already got me out and walking about, it'll be much too warm for him later on so we'll enjoy the morning quiet. I've only just rolled out of bed long enough to make mom a cuppa. 

Yesterday was as predicted a very good day, I found out I was in the Chronicle a week or two back which is great just wished I had a copy of it to show mom and my boss of course.  After. Cracking meeting on the morning, I enjoyed my massage more than usual if that's possible.  Then I spent the afternoon in the garden, I actually read a magazine from cover to cover, thoroughly enjoyed doing nothing but chilling. 

I had egg and mushrooms on toast for breakfast, lunch was 11sp trout, poppy seed & lemon potato salad with a lemon & Dijon mustard dressing, that was really tasty. Then I even ate a bowl of fruit, whole orange which I cut myself ill have you know lol, apple and a few grapes. For tea mom and I shared an M&S potato, cheese and bacon bake. It was 10sp in half, but really tasty and if we'd been hungry I had served a piece of fish with it to bulk it out and maybe some veg. 

Yes food was delicious yesterday. I'm contemplating a long walk on my own this morning but it's already really warm so we shall see. Alfie's giving me a decent walk to be honest, although he's eating grass as I type, bless him this weather doesn't suit him at all.   

The power of the scales or Trevor as he's called  in my meetings, mostly because he's a tool and upsets people quite often, I named him as I wanted folk to realise they wouldn't let another person steel their joy and make them feel miserable as quickly as they give those scales the power to do!  

Now I decided yesterday that I was going back to living in the moment and focusing on the good stuff, the happy, the smiles, the things I'm grateful for rather than letting the negatives consume my thoughts. I was found to add "easier said than done" here but actually it isn't, once  I made that decision, it actually was easy because focusing on the good stuff is far more enjoyable. Just paying attention and looking for them. Now in that magazine I read yesterday, one article was about making lists and she talked about how one of her friends sat at night and reflected over her day writing a gratitude list. I thought why wait till the night, why not every time something makes you smile, or you acknowledge something you're glad of, why not make a note of it right there and then, I could be in a notebook, on your phone, heck a post on Facebook but by writing those moments down, they are there as a reminder on the days when doom hits, the days when you want to cry for whatever reason because life just seems so difficult. On those days you can get out those notes and realise there's a lot of good in your world and acknowledge that it's just a bad day today.  

You could do the same with your weight loss journey, acknowledge every good thing whether it be a healthy choice you've made or a benefit you've felt because of the weight loss you've had so far.  I may not be as slim as I have been at other stages of my life but I’m psychologically in a far better place these days, the changing room incident that made me chuckle on Friday would have made me cry in the past.  Not having a ‘perfect’ body would have left me distraught and miserable for weeks, I’d punish myself by under eating or overeating and killing it at the gym.  Yeah my Weight Loss happy and healthy list would be a long one even on weeks I didn’t lose these days.  Yesterday, I could’ve written that everything I ate was not just delicious, it was good for me too. 

My smile list yesterday consisted of a really thoughtful offer via text, a lovely thank you card of Tina’s grandson, he’d chosen the card himself because it was small like him :). Making my members laugh and forget their worries for a short time is always a positive to any day, a conversation with my massage lady about bingo wings, the entire day was one big smile yesterday if I’m honest.  

By writing them down, they won’t be forgotten on the darker days, I will re-read the lists over and over, I’ve written it in my Harry Potter notebook so it’s bound to be magical!

Here’s to a wonderful day, enjoying life the Weight Watcher way, healthy and happy BeYOUtiful, take care of you. 

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