Tuesday 20 June 2017

100% this week, no more messing about...

20 June 2017
As I began to love myself, my relationship with everyone changed.

Well that was a warm one wasn't it! We've all had an unsettled night in our house, poor Alfie kept moving around the floor in my bedroom to find a cool bit, there wasn't a cool bit on my bed, I've got to have sweat pounds off – I wish! I hadn't sweat any off yesterday, I got a stayed the same on the scales – no shame in a maintain.

This week I just got serious, I've bought myself a dress to wear to a meeting next month and I really want that half stone off, I've done a pound of it so far, so another 6 to go in just under 4 weeks. To do that I've got to start being a 100% Weight Watcher not a, oh I'm eating really good meals kind of Weight Watcher! It's not just the meals that cause the damage, it's not tracking the milk in my tea, pretending that extra glass of wine didn't happen, picking at moms leftovers (yes it's not just kids that have leftovers), forgetting how to say no, saying yes too often, it's the forgetting at the weekend how important it was to stay on track after weigh day.

I had a glass of wine left in a bottle from the weekend last night so I weighed it and enjoyed it, I won't be having another glass now until Saturday and then only if I have the spare Smart Points. I took my fitbit out of my handbag at lunchtime yesterday and popped it back in my pocket, then I went for a 45 minute walk on my own to earn some FitPoints, I'd already walked Alfie on the morning and he'd been in the mood so I easily hit my 10k steps yesterday. I ended the day on 31SP, that included the milk in my tea, the 3 dried apricots I'd enjoyed as I passed mom the bag and the spoonful of mango sauce I put on the side of my curry. Yep I tracked it all, 100% honestly! I also drank a good few pints of water and ate fruit, I had apple, satsuma and banana for breakfast, strawberries later and plenty of salad and veg. See I can do it when I put my mind to it, I won't lie, it is easier when the sunshines.

The main thing I've done though is changed my thoughts, I have decided I'm going to be happy, I'm not going to let my situation control how my mind works, I will focus on the positives, the smile moments. I think that realisation came when I laughed in the changing rooms on Friday, just remembering how in years gone by that same situation would have had me in tears and made me feel miserable but now it made me giggle was proof that you can change your thoughts, change your mindset and change the way you look at things and the way you behave. It's all in your head and your the one in control of that!

I've even ordered a skipping rope! Yep I'm going to have a go at skipping for a few minutes a day, I can always wear a tena lady if needed :) I don't just want to lose weight, I want to tone up a bit, I've noticed my body had become middle-aged, my legs have always been quite strong but I'm not as active as I was even 5 years ago, so they need toning, I'm going to try and walk more and do the skipping thing. I'm also going to have a look at the videos on the WW website, https://www.weightwatchers.com/uk/m/cms/ww-fitness-videos I wanna tone up my arms a bit, I opted for a dress with a sleeve yesterday because of my arms, I don't want to feel the need to do that.

Stone by September, I haven't forgot, I have forgot the date of the area meeting, but it's in my diary. Ah, it's the 16th, so now I have how many weeks.... 12 weeks, come on I'm doing this!

In two weeks you'll feel it,
In four weeks you'll see it,
In eight weeks you'll hear it.

I wanna hear it, do you?

I have a plan, I'm taking it one day at a time, I've got food in my fridge and cupboards that will help me stay focused, I've not bought the foods that won't. Mom's going to help me too, she doesn't know it yet but I'm sure she'd like to lose a few pounds too, so together this week, we are going to get our healthy on. I've had a look through the new Chicken cookbook, when I have to get shopping I'm going to get the ingredients to some of those meals, but first I'll eat what's in the cupboards, 5 days to pay day and I went a little crazy buying a dress in Sainsbury's then another dress, 2 pair of shoes and a handbag, well I had a coupon didn't I!

On that note, I may not be lighter yet but the one thing I am is in love with myself, not in a conceited way, in a kind way and after sitting in my meeting as a member yesterday and seeing others who haven't got to that place yet, I'll keep this version of me over the thin still not happy with myself version of 20+ years ago.

I down loaded a memory journal yesterday, I would've bought the hard copy but it was about £35 so I bought the PDF version for $8, better bargain, one of the things it asks you to do every day is 'Write something that happened today. Something you would like to remember.' It then went on to explain

Write down something that you would like to remember. Something that made YOUR day memorable. Feel no pressure here (every day can’t be entirely awesome). One sentence is good enough. Did you have something delicious for dinner? Met a friend for coffee? Did the sun shine?
Writing down a daily memory will not only provide your life with more chronological landmarks (and give the perception of a longer, fuller life) but also train your brain in focusing on the positive.

I'm going to do this, I'm going to blog it and also put it on my timeline each night, that way it'll come up in my 'on this day' in years to come, it's important to focus on that positive stuff.

Right I'm off, I need more water and a shower to cool me off, here's to another 100% day, no 80/20 in my world this week..... 

Yesterday's Daily Memory;
Coming home to find a friend had popped in to keep mom company, done my washing up & swept my kitchen floor  & having another friend do her upmost to keep me motivated & on track via text for the last month ðŸ˜‚ it's finally working xx

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