Thursday 8 August 2013

We can do this!

8th August 2013
“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”  Unknown
So 3 straight days on track, last night I was tempted to have more food after my tea but I knew I wasn’t actually hungry I just wanted something, and my brain was telling me it wanted something crunchy!  I contemplated ryvita with spread as that’s really crunchy and I like it but then I decided no as each ryvita is 1pp and I have a weekend to make it through yet, the first week being 100% on track is always the toughest for me. 
One of my lovely members bought me on of my favourite lollipops so we weighed it on the scales as sugar and it was 4pp! (we weighed it as sugar because the nutritional info wasn't available and that's the nearest to what it is)  I wore it round my neck all day like a dangling carrot keeping me going, and I’ve put it on my desk, if I lose weight next week, I eat it.  4pp for a lollipop, think what else you could have instead. This is why you don’t have to be greedy to have a weight problem; you can simply make not so good food choices.
I won’t lie knowing I’m blogging my tracker is really making me think before I eat/drink because I know I have to share it with you all, I also want to set a good example, so that’s another reason I didn’t go and raid the cupboard. 
It was great to know that me getting back on track has actually motivated you to get back on track too, thanks for the inbox messages, together we can do this and we can all celebrate at the scales together in my meetings.
I’m sleeping really heavy this week, wonder if that’s because I’m not having alcohol?  Could be I guess, don’t want to get out of bed though, I won’t lie, okay once I’ve had a pint of water and finished my blog though.
my ProPoints Plan day yesterday looked like this;
Beans on toast 7pp, raspberry smoothie (made with frozen berries & summer fruits squash) 0pp
Cheese pasta bake from August Weight Watchers magazine (cheap, fast & easy!) served with asparagus, baby corns and pepper 8pp
Colmans season & shake rich beef casserole served with asparagus, baby corns and pepper 8pp
Becks blue zero alcohol shandy 1pp
Mug of hot milk 3pp
Total = 29pp
Pedometer ProPoints earned = 9pp
Left for week 49pp weekly allowance & 13 from my pedometer. = 62pp ;-)

Here’s to another great day, a busy day but I have enough casserole left from yesterday for me not to have to cook, see forward planning really helps.  Saying that I’ve got Lynnes kids all day tomorrow, think I better forward plan what I’ll eat, put the eating out guide in my bag just in case.
Have a fab day & Eat Gorgeous xx

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