Wednesday 7 August 2013

Feeling very motivated and ready to shift that stone!

7th August 2013
“God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.”  James M. Barrie
Weigh day yesterday and I managed a stayed the same, so I’m still 11st 5lb and this is my restart day as far as tracking is concerned, I start with 49pp weeklies and 26pp a day, plus any activity ProPoints I earn.
Yesterday went well,
3 egg omelette with 75g cherry tomatoes and 2 spring onions 5pp
2 slices Kingsmill (400g loaf) 3pp
Garlic & Herb roast chicken, cooked using Colman’s season & shake baking bag served with sprouting broccoli,kale & cauliflower rice.  11pp total (I removed the skin)

Beef cooked in a Maggi So Juice Rich Red Wine & Shallots for beef cook in the bag, using spring onions instead & you have to add tinned tomatoes – 5pp
served it with sweet potato & potato 5pp (put it through my potato ricer) & asparagus.
Milk allowance for day = 3pp
Total for day 32pp
Pedometer ProPoints earned = 10pp

So I have 4pp to carry over from my activity, plus my weekly 49 intact.
I think you’ll agree my meals are a good size and I wasn’t hungry, I did get lobster hands last night for about ten minutes, not because I was hungry, just because I’m used to going and having a drink, instead I had a mug of hot milk before going to bed around ten.
Today I’m going to cook the cheese pasta bake from the August Weight Watcher magazine, nom nom, looks easy enough to do.
I’ve also signed up to do the memory walk at Cannock Chase on Saturday 21st September to raise much needed funds for Alzheimer's Society.  All of the money I raise will help support people living with dementia and their families, so any donation will make a huge difference. 
I’m going to do the 15 mile one, but there are also 2miles and 6miles available if you fancy having a go yourself, details here; 2013
If you don’t then you can always donate a pound or two to my fundraising; or donate a pound by texting
BEVL99 £1 to 70070 
Of course you can change the £1 to any amount you like ;-)  I’ve already had £15 donated which is amazing as I only set the page up before I went to bed last night, so chuffed with that.
My mom’s short term memory is terrible these days and this is a wicked illness, so let’s do what we can, especially as we could be unlucky enough to get it!
I better start training then hadn’t I, I haven’t do much long distance walking for a very long time, Alfie and I did an hour yesterday but to be fair we don’t cover great distances as he has to sniff everything!  Quite looking forward to donning my walking boots again ;)
Right I better get a wriggle on, lots to do, dog to walk, paperwork, oh what a busy life ;)
I won’t be forgetting to Eat Gorgeous though, and make sure you don’t either.
20 weeks today is Christmas day- I promise not to mention it again for a while!  I’m aiming to be at my goal of 10st 6lb by then, what you aiming for?  If you don’t have a target, you can’t hit it!

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