Friday 9 August 2013

Thursday was a toughie, but today will be a true test!

9th August 2013
“There's an important difference between giving up and letting go.”  Jessica Hatchigan
Thursday’s isn’t so easy to stick to 26pp, I was hungry when I got home, plus it’s such a long working day at the end of my working week of meetings that by mid afternoon I found that lollypop and thought mmm sugar rush so opened it, I did only eat half of it though because I was actually tasting it and realised it wasn’t that great, so threw the other half away.  I also indulged in a slice of honey, orange and almond cake baked by two of my members, absolutely delicious and the recipe is in Everyday Favourites if you have a copy on page 208, it’s a gluten free flourless cake. 
So I won’t lie by 8pm when I got home, I was hungry and I fancied something really nice, the beef casserole waiting for me is still there, I made myself a nice ham salad instead, I wanted ryvita but we had none so I had bread instead, and surprisingly I didn’t have anything else.   Realised I was tired so I went to bed at not long after nine and slept like a baby until now.
Today will be a test, I’ve got Lynnes kids whilst she goes to the training I’ve already done, I plan to stay on track, thinking we might go to the cinema, I’ll resist or just pinch a bit of theirs, I’ve still got all my weeklies intact and a few activities.  If we go for lunch I’m guessing they’ll want Mac D’s but I might try and convince them pub grub, although I’ll be happy to buy me a sandwich from the garage, whatever happens I’ll stay on track regardless.
Well I better get a wriggle on because I need to be 30 miles away by 8.30, it’s the start of the weekend for me, I do still have work to do but I’m going to do some of it over the weekend, I will be staying on track because I want a weight loss next week, I’ve even started my monthlies yesterday and that’s not gonna sway me neither!  Whether I lose 1/2lb or 2lb on Tuesday I will be stood on those scales knowing, I have stayed on track.  Have a great day xx
Here’s yesterday’s tracker;
2 crumpets (5pp), fried egg (3pp), baked beans (2pp)

Romanesco cheese (8pp)  (it was 10pp but I left quite a bit of sauce)
Romanesco looks like a pretty light green cauliflower, and tasted pretty similar.  When was the last time you tried something for the first time - I challenge you to go find a new food to taste!
½ lolly (2pp)
Slice honey, orange and almond cake(3pp)
Salad – ham (4pp), spring onions, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, olives (1pp), bread (3pp), spread (1pp)
Pint of becks blue shandy (1pp)
Total – 34pp
Pedometer Activity ProPoints earned = 6pp
Left to use for week 49pp weeklies & 11 Activity ProPoints

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