Saturday 10 August 2013

This eating out lark isn't easy is it!

10th August 2013
“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.”  Confucius
I survived my day out with the kids on track, we went to the Cineworld cinema to see Smurfs2 which we all enjoyed, I resisted the popcorn 8pp for small, 15pp for medium and 35 for large, ouch as nice as it is, this week it isn’t worth not getting a weight loss!  The kids wanted to eat at the Hungry Horse (I mean the name says it all doesn’t it!), I found the nutritional information online and checked a couple of options, ended with Chicken Diane which was okay but it needed much more vegetables to make it filling and really enjoyable, when will eateries realise healthy and low calorie food doesn’t have to mean a small half empty plate!
I knew I was going to be exhausted by the time I got home so picked up a ready meal I actually wanted to eat whilst we were out.
The temptations out there though are beyond counting, something as simple as billboards everywhere to the cinema counter goodies, the menu at the pub which included things such as a “Megasaurus Meal” to the ridiculously tempting dessert counter which was going round and round and round so you got to see all of the desserts!  
Yes it is difficult to stay within your daily allowance on a day out, I’m so glad I still had my weeklies intact and also that I had earned some too because a day on 26 when you can’t get anything less than 13 in the pub which isn’t really filling either is going to make staying on track difficult.
Next time I’m off out I think I’ll opt for a filling and healthy day, steak or gammon would have been perfect.
Today will mostly be quiet, I’ve got some work to catch up on then I’m chilling, might potter in the garden and I’ll walk Alfie of course.
Have you thought about how you’re going to survive the weekend?  I think the more regular you do it the easier it gets because it becomes a habit.  I haven’t drunk alcohol all week and it hasn’t bothered me, I really enjoyed my Becks last night and I’ve realised it’s the drinking of lager I particularly enjoy rather than effects it has on me, it’s not the lager nor the wine that chills me out when I sit down in front of the tele on a Friday night, it’s the fact I’ve actually sat down and stopped and relaxed that chills me out!
What habits have you got that you might be able to change?
So yesterday looked like this;
40g Bran flakes – 4pp
½ pint milk – 3pp

Chicken Diane – 13pp
Beck Blue Shandy – 1pp (they didn’t have diet lemonade so I had 7up, left it was vile)
Sainsbury’s My Goodness! Creamed haddock Risotto
Becks Blue – 2pp
Pedometer Activity ProPoints – 2pp
Left for week, 49 weeklies & 5 Activity ProPoints left till Monday night J Next week I’ll set it to use my weeklies first I think.
Here’s to another successful, enjoyable day of an Eat Gorgeous and BeYOUtiful mentality!
Enjoy yours, I know I will xx

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