Sunday 11 August 2013

Don't tell me why you can't! I want to hear why you will!

11th August 2013
Instead of starving yourself, starve the negative thoughts that say you can’t LOSE WEIGHT IN HEALTHY WAYS, and feed the positive thoughts that say….YOU CAN.
Slept like a baby, woke up feeling good and I’m ready to go have me a walk on the chase with my buddy who I haven’t seen for a while, that’ll be a great catch-up, if she’s remembered and wakes up ;0)
Didn’t really think about food much yesterday at all, I was too busy relaxing and enjoying my garden, spent the morning working in my office where I just get engrossed in what I’m doing.  The afternoon meant a trip to Hollybush nursery for my next plan in the garden, then a hour or two weeding and messing about in the garden and before I knew it, the time was 6pm!   Had a cracking tea and then settled down with mom to catch up on tv before having an early night, good day had.
I’m surprisingly not missing having a drink, red wine just doesn’t taste good in the summer anyway so with a Becks Blue in hand I’m just fine and I better lose weight on Tuesday or the leader will hear me moan - oh I’m the leader, hey ho I’ll still moan!
In my Weight Watcher group (members of my meeting only) yesterday we were sharing before & now photos, so I shared mine on my Weight Watcher page as a reminder of how far I’d come too, and it’s not just a physical change, it’s a lifestyle change and an attitude change.  I’m a much happier, more content person now than I was 8 years ago; it’s been quite a journey!
For all of us, it isn’t just about ‘image’ although that does come into it, it effects every part of our lives, so what are the benefits of losing weight, well the obvious ones are all the things the health professionals say about healthy heart, diabetes risks etc, but I’m talking about the personal stuff, like being about to fit in a seat on a fairground ride or an aeroplane, getting the table down on that seat on the plane!  Not sweating quite so much on a summer day and having your legs rub together so you feel uncomfortable.    Having more choice in the shops when you’re looking for clothes, being able to get those clothes on in the changing rooms without so much effort, and especially fastening the shoes you want to try on.   Then there’s having more energy to do the things you want to do, waking up at the weekends raring to go rather than thinking how tired you are because you’ve worked all week.  Being able to enjoy playing with and chasing after your kids/grandkids having fun, that’s got to be so much more important to you than anything that could be put on a plate in front of you.   I hear so many reasons why my members lose weight and they’re always told to me with a smile on their face.
Now think about the reasons why you don’t want to lose weight?  Obviously this is only directed to people who feel they have weight to lose, if you’re at a healthy weight – I salute you!  If you’re what is considered ‘overweight’ but happy with your body and able to do all the things you wish to do – fabulous, well done you!  However I’m aiming this at those of us who want to lose weight really but feel ‘it’s too hard’, “they have no motivation”, “they keep ‘failing’”.  If you feel like that and can’t think of any reasons why you want to stay the weight you are, well then you need to do something.  Some reasons why you don’t want to lose weight might include,
- Food tastes too good and I’d rather eat lots of food than be a healthy weight because it makes me a happy person!
- I like going out every weekend and getting drunk with my friends, I’d rather do that than be a healthy weight and wake up feeling full of energy every morning!
- Eating makes me feel good, it makes me feel better than any fairground ride is likely too!
- I’m happy to wear black and baggy clothes for the rest of my life, who needs to go clothes shopping with a smile on their face; I can always get one of the kids to fancy up my sandals!
- I’m happy to die 10 years earlier; those last ten won’t be much fun anyway!
- It’s too hard and I’m all for the easy!
If you agree with any of those, then don’t try to lose weight, if you woke up this morning thinking, "hey today’s a great day to overeat, gain weight & be unhealthy!" then carry on and enjoy yourself, this blog probably isn’t relevant to you. 
However if you don’t agree with any of those statements and you woke up this morning thing, “Oh I’ve blown it again”, or “yay I survived a Saturday night”, the let’s start showing your body some love & start to EatGorgeous!
If you feel like you just don’t know where to start, just start.  Two weeks ago I felt like I’d never be able to get back on the weight loss wagon, I felt like I was destined to spend my forties at 11st 5lb because I just couldn’t get that switch to click, the one that usually gets me back on track 100%, it just seemed to have broken.  However something has happened since last weekend and I think the connection has been rewired because I feel very focused and on track, support is a big part of that, seeing all my members success in my meetings, handing out silver sevens, 50lb, 75lb and goal certificates, seeing the weekly weight loss totals, seeing how happy they all look, then outside meetings reading all my members posts in our closed group really helps, seeing them do well makes me want to do well too.  Yes weight loss is definitely easier with support and I’m getting it from everywhere which is fabulous.
If you’re struggling but want to lose weight, get back to a meeting, be realistic and realise it isn’t easy but the more you do it, the easier it gets.  Use the meeting as a place to talk about what you find difficult when it comes to successful weight loss and get the solutions you need, your leader has that weight issue too so they will understand, plus when you do get to your goal weight, you get to continue to attend for free to maintain forever. (sorry starting to sound like an advert now – but I’m passionate about my job, I don’t only do it because it pays my wage, trust me there are much easier ways to earn a living!  I do it because I want every person I meet to feel fantastic about themselves, to realise they are gorgeous whatever they weigh and that they can be healthy and happy at any weight).
I better step off my soap box as this blogs looking long!  So I’ll leave you there as I have a walk to do and some gossip to catch up on J, have a sensational Sunday all and Eat Gorgeous.
Just remember time will pass anyway so why not spend it feeling good and eating well. xx
Oh here’s yesterdays tracker if you’re interested.
Mushrooms, tomato & egg on 2 small slices toast (6pp)
Cherries (from the garden centre – delicious!)
Trout with pine nuts & stir fry (8pp)
and 2 corn on cobs (5pp)
Milk in tea (2pp)
Beck Blue (2pp)
Total for day consumed – 24pp
Pedometer activity ProPoints earned – 9pp
Total activity ProPoints earned for this week so far = 36pp, used 22 of them.  Left to use 14 plus my 49 weeklies still intact
Weigh day Tuesday – bring it on!

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