Monday 12 August 2013

On it like a car bonnet!

12th August 2013
Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.  Mahatma Gandhi
Monday morning feeling fine, woke up after a good 8 hours sleep and a good day had yesterday.  It started with a couple of hours on Cannock Chase catching up with my mate Katie, she brought me up to date on her life and it was lovely to see her so happy.  Then I spent the afternoon in the garden, I’ve started on the front, dug a couple of borders over ready to plant and by the end of the day I had 11pp on my pedometer and I’d had a lovely day. 
My meals looked like this;
Banana (wasn’t hungry)
Ham and lettuce sandwich (6pp)

BBQ chicken, cauliflower rice, roasted vegetables (16pp) 
(we had half each because I had so many ProPoints left, if you use breast it would only be 13pp instead of 26pp for the chicken)
Becks blue (2pp)
Horlicks light (3pp)
Total used – 27pp
Pedometer Activity ProPoints – 11pp
So I’ve earned 47pp with my pedometer this week, which are all still intact if I use my weeklies first.
Of my 49 weeklies I’ve used 21pp, leaving 28pp to play with today if I want them, ooo think I might have fried eggs on toast for my breakfast or mackerel mmm, or if mom fancies a trip out we could have cake.   I’ve also realised I could have had something higher in ProPoints when I went out for lunch Friday, I didn’t because I wasn’t sure how I’d survive the weekend.  Not drinking alcohol has saved me loads of ProPoints and stopped me from snacking too!
Why has it clicked all of a sudden, why have I managed to stick to the plan 100% this week when I haven’t for a long time – sorry I don’t know if I’m honest.  The only reason I can think of is that when I decided to get back on track last weekend, it was for ME, not because my boss told me it was company policy, not because I thought I should after reading an article in a magazine, not because of any other reason other than I realised I was happy yes but I really could be that little bit healthier and by losing a few pounds and making wiser choices I would get that healthier feeling and I was right, I am.  I also think the support that been shown from others has also helped me enormously, and the fact that we’re all doing this together in my Facebook group and my meetings, I also have my own Weight Watcher leader supporting me too, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Weight Watchers works because of the group support!  All I need now is the weight loss in the morning J
The money I saved not buying wine this weekend has bought me a lovely Rudbeckia plant for my front garden and some potting compost plus I haven’t missed the wine at all.
Yes I’ve had a lovely weekend, it just went too quickly.  Next Sunday morning we’re going to walk up the Wrekin, so if you fancy joining us, we’ll be there at 10am.
Here’s to a fabulous week of Eating Gorgeous & taking care of us because we are worth it.

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