Tuesday 13 August 2013

I feel a weight loss coming on - bring on the scales!

13th August 2013
Good habits are worth being fanatical about. John Irving
Well I survived ‘-), it’s weigh day, I’m singing Gloria Gaynor and I feel a weight loss coming on, I have been in the zone, yesterday I was so engrossed in my garden that I didn’t even think about food after I had my very scrumptious filling breakfast, so I only had two meals yesterday (probably not perfect) but I made my second one a good one too.  The day just flew by, I’ve moved round the front garden now and my lovely neighbour to my right chose blue as the colour of our joining fence, so I’m halfway through painting that, my side and hers, my pedometer had 16pp on it by the time I finally sat down.
Yesterdays tracker

Scrambled egg on toast - 10pp
Ham, Heinz cheesy beans, mashed potato with grilled cheese topping - 15pp
Bites and bits I nibbled on whilst cooking my tea – 3pp
Milk in drinks – 5pp
Pedometer ProPoints earned 16pp
Total Pedometer ProPoints earned this week = 64pp not a gym or exercise class in sight, just everyday activity and moving more (all unused!)
Weekly Used – 33pp (I’m thinking if I had a nibble on anything in the kitchen when I was cooking and not really paying attention, the other 16 weeklies would cover that)
I haven’t had an alcoholic drink all week and I haven’t been fussed about having one either, which shows it’s just a habit and like any habit one that can be broken with time and persistence. 
I’m well aware I’m in the honeymoon stage of my 2013 weight loss journey, this isn’t the first time I’ve decided to shift a few pounds, I’m proud to be a Weight Watcher who struggles with her weight.  Through being one I’ve learned so much about eating and I’ve also lost 2.5 stone that I’ve never put back on in the 9 years since I achieved my goal, yes I’ve gained a stone but not through any fault of the plan, I’ve gained it because I started to drink a little bit more, which in turn led to eating a bit more and its crept on, I know when I follow the plan or the maintenance plan it works, so that’s what I’m doing. 
There are no quick fixes, no magic pills or treatments, it’s about education, and I heard on the radio yesterday that 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese, this saddens me.  There needs to be more food education in schools, I have lots of members join who don’t really understand nutrition, add that to the fact that you can get cheap junk food in supermarkets and well….
Even me who knows so much about food and what’s good for you and not so good for you, I gain weight so what chance does someone without any knowledge at all, who’s earning next to nothing and see pizza for £2 have!
Yes you can eat ‘cheap’ and nutritionally but it does take more thought that’s for sure, if you start to eat the correct portion sizes, that immediately brings down your calorie intake!  Also if you decided to make treats exactly that, something you have occasionally as a treat not something you have everyday as a meal then again you will bring your calorie intake down.
As I said there are no quick fixes, they will continue to bring them out, all this made crazy diets and different ways to suck your fat out, but unless you stop putting it in the hole in your face, then sucking it out however and wherever won’t make one iota of difference long term.
So I will continue to Eat Gorgeous and love myself enough to lose weight the healthy way, I’ll continue to move in ways I enjoy such as walking the dog and digging the garden or painting fences.  I will continue to get support from my fellow Weight Watchers and obtain knowledge from them in my meetings. 
I’ll never again fall for the latest fad whether it be a tablet or a treatment or a food, nope I’m in this for the long haul, one day at a time, one delicious meal at a time, mmm what shall I have for breakfast.
See you tomorrow to share my weight loss ;0) Have a great day. xx

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