Tuesday 6 August 2013

If I could bottle this, we'd have it sussed!

6th August 2013

5 years ago I started blogging, it was on another website, although that’s no longer online, I do still have it on my pc and I found it out yesterday, this was the very first one I wrote;


Day 1 Saturday, Sep 6, 2008

My health gets better and better all the time.
My introduction tells you I'm on day 26 of my healthy eating regime but I thought I'd go back to day 1 so you can see how far I've gone in such a short time.
Weighed at leaders meeting last night 11 stone 4 and a half pound (goal weight 10st 6b), I was gutted, I knew it was going to be bad because I’d been weighed the day before in my own meeting, and because I knew how bad it was going to be I didn’t even remove my shoes, nor go to the toilet first, what difference would a pound make I thought!
Started my diet this morning.  I love good healthy food but have a huge appetite and struggle to know how much is too much and also as soon as I try to eat healthy, something in me usually rebels because I want white bread or a bar of chocolate (which normally I never eat!), silly I know but then having a weight problem does make you do silly things and behave in silly ways.
This week I have felt drained and down and I’d realised it was because I wasn’t eating properly which always has a detrimental effect on my life.  So I’ve never started a diet on a Saturday before - maybe its an omen that this time I will crack it forever, I’ve spent the last 20 years of my life either gaining or losing weight, never maintaining.  I want to be a gold member maintaining within her 5lb limit effortlessly.
When you first start a diet, you become a little obsessed and preoccupied with it, all the time thinking about food and what you can have next, how many points you have left etc.  After a while it becomes routine, so I’m looking forward to that kicking in because its 2.30pm and I’ve been thinking about what I can eat and planning meals all day, I even work up at 5am this morning and my first thought was about the diet.
I’m out all day tomorrow so I need to take a packed lunch, will go check what I can have.

So that was almost 5 years ago, oh how some things change and some stay the same, I still have a love of healthy food and a huge appetite, I don’t tend to rebel so much these days and I certainly don’t feel gutted about my weight nor drained or down which can only be a good thing, I do still however want to be a gold member maintaining within her 5lb limit effortlessly ;)  I’m starting in a really good place from how I feel in myself, I just realise Ido need to lose some weight, so last Tuesday my official weight was 11st 5lb, I know by sharing that online it will make me do something about it because now suddenly I’m accountable to every person who reads this blog and all my members too – that’s a little scary if I’m honest!  But if I don’t do it, I’m likely to let it slide again, that’s what makes Weight Watchers so successful, the support system which I get in my meetings and the accountability.  So I’m afraid I’m going to start boring you with my daily trackers, or my weight or whatever I need to do to keep me on track.  Ysterday looked like this;
2 slices Warburtons toast with Weight Watcher spread 3pp
Garlic & Herb roast chicken, onion& yellow pepper cooked using Colman’s season & shake baking bag served with sprouting broccoli and kale.  12pp total

Beef cooked in a Maggi So Juice Rich Red Wine & Shallots for beef cook in the bag, I used spring onions instead & you have to add tinned tomatoes, I used 4pp worth and served it with cauliflower rice, grilled peppers & tomatoes.  A delicious dinner for only 4pp total

Milk allowance for tea 3pp
2 x Becks Blue zero alcohol shandy’s 2pp
Maltesers hot chocolate drink made with water 2pp
Malteser drink 2pp (made with hot water), Horlicks 4pp (made with skimmed)
Total for day, 26pp – why isn’t it that easy every day, I only had the 2nd shandy and hot chocolate because I could, I wasn’t hungry at all, not physically or psychologically.
Pedometer ProPoints earned - 8pp (I went for a walk without Alfie in the rain!)
I spent a little time planning yesterday, have to say the recipes in August’s Weight Watcher magazine look delicious and I will be trying a few of those for sure, I’m also loving these cook in the bags, they are worth the 3 or 4pp for the packet, I’ve never been able to season beef like that, and if I added a bit of smoked paprika to the only I used yesterday, it’d be a bit like goulash. 
Loving the extra support in our facebook group too, don’t forget if you’re one of my existing members you’re more than welcome to join in for that inbetween support.
Right here’s to another day of Eating Gorgeous, 20 weeks today is Christmas Eve, I know it’s still summer but hey a girls gotta plan ;)
It’s Awesome August & I’m Choosing to be Losing!  How bout you?

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