Friday 17 February 2012

Success and more success - I love it!

17th February 2012
Good instincts usually tell you what to do before your head has figured it out. Michael Burke

It was great to see Debbie in the Express and Star yesterday, I’m so proud of her, she’s done so well and looks amazing, I’m sure you’d all agree.  If you missed it, here’s the article online I’m proud of all my members though, they don’t have to be in the newspaper to be amazing, I was thinking yesterday after reading the article, how many of my members have come so far and done so well, some still have a way to go.  For example on a Thursday morning Katie has lost over 60lb, she always manages to smile even when she hasn’t had the best week, oh yes plus she’s the only member to have ever turned up to my meeting in her PJ’s because she didn’t want to miss the meeting after she’s had her gall stones removed ;-).  Then there’s Rachel who’s has lost over three stone and I remember her getting to goal, then getting pregnant and having to start all over again!  Amanda who ran the Great North Run and is now only 12lb from her goal, Jane who comes first thing in the morning on her way to work who’s lost well over 50lb now and text me to tell me she doesn’t shop at Evans anymore, and lovely Fay who’s lost 2½ stone and now helps me at the scales when she can, the list goes on, these are just a few members from one of my 13 meetings, every member who gets weighed in my meeting has their own success story, some are nearer to their goals than others but they are all amazing.  And not forgetting, my golden oldies that come every week to enjoy the meeting and to meet up with each other, two of them got their gold star yesterday for being at goal for 8 years each, how amazing is that!  They’ve been at goal longer than I’ve been a leader! 
Yep everyday I meet amazing people, everyday I get to do a job I love and I feel very fortunate for it.  My members inspire me and motivate me to stay in control of my weight, so it’s true Weight Watchers does work because of the support. 

So I’ve eaten some delicious meals this week, yesterday I made a Chicken and Chorizo Jambalaya which was so tasty I ate it twice, it has to be good for me to eat the same thing for lunch and dinner!  For 11pp it was also large, I had the recipe out of a good food magazine and it will most definitely make it into the next Bev’s Bite, which I think needs putting together as we have some money to raise for our Race for Life event (don’t forget to sign up and join us if you haven’t already)
I’ve managed to stop and cook lunch everyday this week, it doesn’t take as long as I think it will, my lunch is my mail meal as I work in the evening.  Now to make it through my weekend and keep the success going, I haven’t stayed on track at the weekend this year if I’m honest!  So this weekend I will, my plan is cinema and Cosmo today, yep I’m going to do a buffet lunch and still stay on track, I might even take photos of the food I eat there so I can share with ya ;)  Then Saturday and Sunday I will cook again, maybe “Ham hock & cabbage mash” and “frazzled chorizo linguine” we shall see what I have left on my to cook list and what’s in the fridge.  I have to say it’s definitely worth the effort because sitting down to eat something that looks scrumptious is keeping me on track as sitting down to eat a ready meal doesn’t!

The only snack I’ve had this week other than a banana was a Weight Watcher Very Berry Bars, I chose them because they are full of dried fruit, more flapjack like than bar and the ingredients all look natural. 
Anyway I’ve got an appointment with the bank people so I better get a wriggle on!

Have a fabulous day – yay it’s Friday ;-)

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