Thursday 16 February 2012

Can't beat quick home cooking!

16th February 2012

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. John Andrew Holmes
I’ve been a little concerned that I haven’t been running the last couple of weeks, firstly I had a stinky cold so didn’t feel up to it, then it was snowing and then just plain grey and cold so I haven’t been out.   So I’ve decided as long as I’m walking the dog daily, I will run when I’m ready and stop concerning myself with it, I do it to make me feel good and if I start stressing about it, then it’s not making me feel good is it!

I often hear members say, “Oh I expected to lose more, I’ve been to the gym 3 times this week” or similar so let’s look at that shall we, does exercising mean you’ll lose more weight or does lack of exercise keeps us from losing weight?
Exercise is great for our physical health and state of mind, and for preventing weight gain in the first place, but is has a disappointingly small effect on weight loss according to things I’ve read.  When it comes to shedding pounds, it’s what and how much we eat that counts most.  Normally sedentary people who add 60 minutes of exercise to their daily schedule might be able to lose about six pounds of body fat in about six months.  But how many of you can put aside an hour every single day for exercise?  Even if you could cram 30 minutes of vigorous daily exercise into your busy schedule, you’d probably lose only three pounds over a six month period.  So don’t allow yourself to believe that exercise is a panacea for weight problems.  This kind of thinking may keep you from focusing on what you put in your mouth!

Should you stop exercising then – NO, it makes you feel fabulous afterwards, it tones you up, it has huge health benefits and it cheers you up – and be honest could you be a little happier right now?  I plan to fit a run in this weekend for sure as long as the snow doesn’t return.
At the moment my priority is on staying positive and being happy – enjoying my day, January was far too grumpy and I’m not letting February be the same.  Since Sunday I’ve made a conscious effort to eat well because food really does affect your mood and I’ve been drinking plenty of water too and I’ve got to say on a happy scale I’ve gone from 30-40% on Saturday to 80-90% this morning, not a bad jump at all!  Yesterday I had trout fillet, button mushrooms & baby leeks (cooked in WW Garlic & Herb bake bag) with couscous for 10pp, then chick pea and spinach curry using the WW curry paste 6pp for dinner both really quick to make and delicious to eat.

So if you’re feeling a little down and a bit lousy take a look at your choice of foods, I’m well aware that there are many things in your life that could be bringing you down but remember its your choice on how you react to those things.  I had a member post on facebook last night “I feel like giving up”, then what?  If you’re struggling right now and you come and get weighed each week and your weight is up a pound down a pound and suddenly you give up, what’s likely to happen?  I’ll have a wager you won’t suddenly start losing weight, but I’d have another to say you will start gaining it because from experience I know that’s what happens, you think sod it I can’t do this and you start eating even more.  It’s similar with the exercise, when I started running last year in August I didn’t see it making any difference to the scales, yet when I’ve looked back I’ve realised by October it had, it wasn’t just because I was running because we’ve already covered that above, it was because I had also started eating better to help me run and back in October I was 5 or 6 pounds lighter than I had been in August so giving up is not an option.  I think you’d agree it is better to be maintaining than gaining.  Of course we’re all gonna getting losing and I know you’ve just read this blog Julia because you do every day, so you’re gonna stop nodding in agreement and put the positivity into practice!  It’s like affirmations it’s not good saying a positive affirmation for five minutes every morning if the rest of the day you’re saying life sucks!  They won’t work then.
So now you’ve identified where you went wrong last week, decide how to tackle those things one at a time and plan for success. 

One last thing, huge congratulations to Sharon who achieved her goal last night, started in January and has lost 15lb, so not everyone had the January blues ;-)  Fabulous achievement.  We’ve lost 350lb so far this week so it’s working for most of you.
Make sure you buy tonights Express and Star, our very own Debbie should be in there (today or tomorrow) she’s lost a stunning 9 stone and is inspiration to us all, Deb will openly admit she used to be very pessimistic, not any more now she always tries to look on the positive whenever she can.

Smile right now and start your day on a positive. xx

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