Saturday 18 February 2012

It's basic instinct baby!

18th February 2012

The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter.

I read this yesterday and found it very interesting;
Five basic food instincts are responsible for our continuing survival against the odds.  We know this from studying human history and all the consistent findings of modern research into our eating patterns.  These instincts can be our downfall unless we understand them and start to work with them.  Our instinctive eating behaviour falls into these categories:

HUNGER – We need to satisfy our hunger.  We like feeling full.  We see this instinct in newborn infants, and we know this is not something they have learned; it is an innate need that will help to ensure their survival.
AVAILABILITY – We eat just because the food is there.  And – here’s the thing to watch out for – we want to eat more when more food is there for the taking.

CALORIE DENSITY – We love to eat and we love food, especially when it’s loaded with calories.  This is true in every culture.
FAMILIARITY – We enjoy eating foods that familiar to us.  We associate these foods with feeling safe and comforted, and we have triggers than can drive us to eat them again… and again.

VARIETY – We are instinctively attracted to a variety of foods, and we eat considerably more when we’re presented with more choices.
So do you recognise one or more of your downfalls there?  Apparently these food instincts are basic to who we are, we can’t change the fact that we have them, but we can learn to manage them! 

Is it time to recognise and embrace your true nature, I’ve always believed knowledge is power, luckily I’d already read this before going to the all you can eat buffet that is Cosmo!  I did go up twice because let’s be honest the plates aren’t very big, but I also filled most my plate each time with the delicious vegetables, so hopefully not too much damage done.  But the fact that there was so much ‘AVAILABILITY’ was tempting, I found myself thinking mmm that looks nice about so many of the things  that I did find it difficult to resist.  What helped was having Lynne’s kids with us, because you have to help them get their foods and then we were all having a conversation and not just eating, my stomach soon filled up and said enough.  I did find it interesting watching other people though, and a diet tip I picked up yesterday would be “your meal should never be higher than the width of your plate” yes I was witnessing such plates and there was so much on the plate they didn’t look appealing to eat at all. 

This week I’ve noticed because I didn’t buy all the typical rubbish and opted for a trolley full of good ness, then I’ve only eaten what was available to me, so I’ve eaten much better and today instead of feeling, ooo I don’t wanna do anything I’m too tired (that’s how I felt last Saturday) today I’m gonna put my trainers on in a moment and walk/run Alfie then maybe do half hour myself depending how long he keeps me out.

I had a lovely day yesterday, after a visit to see the bank, I was walking through House of Fraser back to my car and stopped to look at a box of make up that had ‘starter kit’ written on it, the lady offered to do my face and who was I to argue, so she spent an hour teaching me (she did one side of my face, I did the other) how to put on the ‘bare minerals’ foundation and I had a lovely time, I’ve never really bothered with make up so it all blows my mind, but for the first time ever I didn’t leave thinking “what do I look like” or “I’ll never be able to do that”.  What I did like was their new marketing campaign “Be a force of beauty”, they have taken some beautiful women from different age groups and made them up with make up but there is no hair brushing so you can see that they have wrinkles and laughter lines just like the rest of us.  The women and the photos are gorgeous, the lady on the counter also gave me some leaflets so if you fancy having a go, let me know and I’ll give you her details.
Right ten hours sleep and Alfie is starting to look real desperate now so I better take him out for his walk, he is such a good boy.

Make the most of your Saturday, you won’t get another one for 7 days!
Yesterday I was asked by a member if her friend could get my daily blog even though she went to another meeting, yes is the answer, anyone’s welcome to read it, please pass it on.

1 comment:

  1. Very very true. As lovely as all you can eat buffets are they are to us who've struggled with weight issues like beer is to an alcoholic. So much choice, i try to stick to one plate and have a teeny bit of those i fancy, with good company and chat you soon feel full. The dessert section is my downfall..

    We are what we eat, and if we eat like that then we gotta expect to look like that...
