Thursday 14 April 2011

14th April 2011

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. Jimmie Johnson

My day was made yesterday by a cat! Yep all through the winter there has been a stray cat in the street and it wouldn’t come down off the fences, it’s sat there even when the temperature dropped to minus 20 at night, I’d feel really awful seeing it through my bedroom window. So I had a kennel made with 2 storeys hoping it would go in the top storey and our other stray could use the bottom but he/she didn’t. However yesterday there it was fast asleep in the top kennel and I was happy ;0) I have no idea where that cat appeared from but at least now it’s got shelter if it chooses to sleep there and food.

Speaking of food! This week we’ve been discussing emotional eating and overeating, and yesterday I realised sometimes you just carry on eating purely because it tastes good! Yep for me it was chocolate, I always say I don’t really like chocolate which is true and yesterday after eating some I remembered why, it’s because it makes me feel sick but it wasn’t until after I realised that, I’d continued to eat it because it was tasting good, there wasn’t any emotional eating going on, I wasn’t hungry, I was just being plain greedy because it was tasting so nice and 15 ProPoints later I felt sick and it took four hours for that feeling to wear off, so I’m cured again for a good while, chocolate will not be on my “I want to eat” list.

Having said that if you’re going to eat chocolate, dark chocolate is your better choice. The flavonoids in a 1.6 ounce serving of dark chocolate (that’s tiny!) for a two week period can help make your blood less sticky, dark chocolate keeps your arteries supple. It helps heal injuries inside the blood vessels apparently. It therefore reduces the risk of a heart attack. Don’t forget it still has ProPoints in though!

Over Easter you may find your house full of chocolate and if you believe it a sin to throw it away, you need to be careful because what doesn’t get thrown away or given away usually gets eaten!

I read an interesting article yesterday about how the bmi chart is considered flawed, I have to agree with this as it makes me at least a stone overweight and I don’t feel it, you can read it here;

It suggests that this is an alternative way to measure whether your overweight,

and this explains how the results work

I like this idea because it tells me I’m not at risk ;), that’s sounds much nicer than being officially overweight!

I’m not with it this morning, don’t think I’ve woken up properly yet, even Alfies still snoring, so I better get on as I think everythings going to take me a little longer to do!
Have a great day, enjoy it xx

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