Wednesday 13 April 2011

13th April 2011

Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns.

Occasionally I meet someone and they surprise me, I love when that happens and yesterday after such an experience I received an email from a blogger I follow which said “If you could switch lives with someone for one day, who would it be and why?”

Of course immediately you start to think of famous people but just at that moment Alfie come running upstairs upon hearing my mom swear, I’m sure he thinks that’s his name because he gets called it so often! Anyhow, that made me wander what would it be like to spend 24 hours inside his mind, swap places with my crazy little dog, after all he has so much of how we’d love to be, he is full of unconditional love, and never judgmental, Alfie doesn’t care what size he is or his friends come to that, nor how they look – he’ll play with anybody, dog, cat, man or woman, he just wants to play! ;D

Alfie is entertained by the simplest of things, his bones or his toys, they all offer him huge entertainment and when she tires of them he has a nap. He welcomes me home with so much excitement and love, who wouldn’t want to be like Alfie, plus he gets his belly rubbed every day and someone else makes his meals and scoops his poop!

Yeah 24-hours, I’d enjoy seeing the world through Alfies gorgeous eyes. How about you? With whom would you switch lives for just one day? Let me know, I’m intrigued to see who’d you like to be!

When we’re losing weight, we’re all striving to be someone different or at least change in some way, but have you noticed when we’re eating something we actually know we shouldn’t be because it’s over our allowance and we really want to lose that next pound, we forget that fact! Well I’ve got a fun idea, it’ll either make you laugh or cry, I’m hoping it’ll do the former as that will show you are making progress and changing your thoughts xx

Okay this is what I want you to do, the next time you want to overeat and it’s outside your allowance and you know it’s going to take you off track and possibly even mean a gain at the scales (you’re only going to be able to do this if your at home really), I wand you to get that cake or chocolate or whatever it is your about to eat and go sit on the floor in front of a mirror and watch yourself eating it! If anyone asks what you’re doing, answer, “I’m watching myself get fat”.

You may be able to ignore the fact you overate on your tracker or when you get on the scales but if you sit watching yourself actually overeating then you can’t blame it on anyone or anything else. You weren’t abducted by aliens and force fed aboard their mother ship, nor can you say you think it might be because you ate too much fruit. No, you’ll know exactly why it was you haven’t lost weight that week because you watched yourself eat it!

Interesting idea and I’m actually going to do it myself too next time I decide to overeat.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t ever overeat again but if you’re going to do it, enjoy it and do it honestly, don’t pretend your not, don’t plead ignorance at the scales, give yourself permission to be human and indulge occasionally because as soon as you tell yourself you can’t do something the more you want to do it.

To help you keep your overeating under control maybe make sure your trigger foods aren’t within arms reach all the time, if it’s not there you can’t automatically eat it without thinking about it, you have to make a conscious decision to go to the shop and buy it, if you think you’re likely to eat it before you get home, take a hand mirror with you ;0)

Have a great day, go look at your reflection in the mirror right now and say, “WOW, I love you, you’re gorgeous”. Xx

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