Friday 15 April 2011

15th April 2011

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world. Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.

8am and only just starting my blog, that’s very late for me, I had a bit of a lie in then Alfie’s walked my legs off and as it’s a year today since I took ownership on the crazy little dog, I thought I’d let him have his way. Yeah I’m not rushing at all today, I’ve decided everything’s going to be done at one pace and that’s SLOW!

We’ve had some fantastic results this week at the scales, lots of 5 and 10% achieved and a few members achieving goal too which is awesome. A couple of members also achieving over 50lb weight loss which is just inspirational and it all helps to motivate the rest of us I’m sure you’ll agree. Motivation is the theme of next weeks meeting, so make sure you don’t miss it.

I was prescribed glasses for driving at night last week and I collected them on Monday and although it hasn’t really been dark when I’m driving home after my meetings, I’ve been wearing them to see if they make a difference and also to get used to them. What I did notice is as soon as I put them on was that I felt different! That’s true of so many things isn’t it, as soon as we put on certain clothes they make us feel differently, so our layers of fat we wear are definitely making us feel differently, which means as we lose them we must go through major transitions in how we feel about ourselves and how we look, that’s not easy to handle sometimes is it?

Losing weight is hard, but losing an old image of yourself can be even harder. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? The person you were before you began your weight loss efforts? Or the actual image reflected back in the glass? For many of us, it takes a while for our self-image to catch up to the reality of our new, slimmer selves. When we look in the mirror, do any of us see ourselves as we really are? So as we’re losing weight it takes time to get used to our new shape.

Rachel on our facebook group came up with a good idea yesterday which is worth trying she wrote;

“I took a picture or myself yesterday in a full length mirror and then looked at it against pictures from my friends wedding in Aug last year, it made me feel sooo good!! Sometimes just looking in a mirror isn’t enough! Thats the motivation I need to keep on going :)”

Great idea, take regular photos, may every few weeks as your losing and compare them to older photos, that can help you see you progress.

Another suggestion made on the facebook group page wall yesterday was that gold members share their before and after photos, I think this is another fabulous idea but you don’t have to wait until your at goal, I mean I have members who’ve lost 50lb and still have a way to go but the transformation already is staggering, even ½ stone makes you look different, so share your success.

So get sorting out that camera or use your phone and get snappy ;)

Also today if there’s someone in your life that you love and/or appreciate, tell them, don’t leave it until its too late. You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world's happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who you love, or someone who is lonely or discouraged, perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.

Have a wonderful day and remember – You’re GORGEOUS xx

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