Wednesday 4 September 2024

When you get what you didn't think you wanted!

 Wednesday 4th September 2024

t is strange how sometimes you don't want something that you get and it turns out to be that you did want it but you didn't know it would bring so much joy to your life!  I didn't want a boyfriend but 3 years ago yesterday he knocked my door and as cringy as it sounds, I couldn't be happier, I honestly smile every time I think about him because I've got so many 'moments' that come to mind from the memories we've made so far and we laugh all the time.   I didn't want a child - EVER, but in the December Aryn arrived in my house and he starts exam year today, I may not have given birth to the 6ft 2in giant of a boy but I'm so proud of him and how far he's come over the last few years.  Oh then let's talk about the cats!  I didn't want any more pets, after Alfie died, I'd decided I didn't need the added responsibility but then Aryn wanted a pet, we made him wait but we caved in the end and apart from when Minnie meows to wake me up at stupid o'clock some mornings, they give me cuddles and make me smile every day, yeah my life is pretty damn good.  

I love my life and I love food and red wine, no wonder I'm so content and struggle to lose weight, but I'll keep trying.  Yesterday in my week of not going shopping, I defrosted some pork shoulder chops the night before and yesterday morning threw them in the slow cooker, with the leftover canned tomatoes (about half a can), 10 cherry tomatoes cut in half, 2 medium carrots grated, a red pepper and a couple of spring onions diced.  When I came back from work, I decided to add a couple of oxo cubes, a can of anchovies and the rest of the black olives in the jar in the fridge.  It turned out incredible, served it on spaghetti and Aryn and I inhaled it, there was nothing left on those plates, 788 calories but worth every mouthful.  


I'm defrosting a pack of chicken breast and some diced lamb today, gonna see what I can throw together with those, I've just asked Alexa if I can cook lamb from frozen and she said yes so I may try and put it in the slow cooker with my last two oxo's, carrots and onions, I can serve that with mash, then the chicken I'm gonna think about, there's enough for a couple of meals, so maybe use the wraps I have, we've got noodles too.

I had a ham and mustard sandwich last night but I could've honestly have eaten another one straight after!  That'll be why I don't eat sandwiches very often then!

I've gotta go and get ready for work, plus clear up that smell that Coco has just left in the litter tray - WOW, he smells worse than me, although the men in this house would disagree ;) 

Have a great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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