Thursday 5 September 2024

Bulk cooking day

 Thursday 5th September 2024

I hurt yesterday, but I didn't let it stop me getting stuff done, I took a kg of chicken breast out of the freezer and a pack of diced lamb, both of which were bought reduced in last month or so to save money.  I asked Alexa if the lamb could be cooked from frozen and she said yes so I threw it in the slow cooker with a couple of diced carrots and a sliced onion, 2 oxo cubes and a bit of water and put it on low, then went to work.  

Turned it up to high when I got home as the carrots were hard but once it was cooked, I added a little bisto gravy granules and oh my, it was delicious, I could eat that every week, lamb's a bit expensive though, even when it's reduced!  I served it with leftover mash and it was lush, nom nom. 

With the chicken I realised I'd nothing to cook it in so I caved and went to the shop, I had to take something back to exchange anyway so bought a jar of Sainsbury's home brand  Stamford Street curry sauce and the extra large jar of Ben's sweet and sour sauce as that worked out cheaper per 100g.  

I had to laugh when Aryn came home and said, you been cooking and I said yeah, there's curry or sweet and sour for your dinner and his reply was, 'I'll have both!', yep you can't fill a teenager up!  He ate it with a while packet of egg fried rice!  Then he would've eaten some of the rock cakes I made afterwards.  I'm only jealous because if I ate that, I'd gain weight.

I don't need to cook today now, which is good as it's a busy day.  Because I was waiting for a parcel yesterday so stuck in, I also cleared out all my cupboards in the kitchen, so now I know exactly what I have, not much to be honest as I've been working on getting it used up.  I have one huge drawer that's now completely empty!  

Weigh day for me, I won't hold my breathe, was away and indulged the weekend, not quite been great since, so I'll take whatever they say and work on getting better.  Bread has been a big part of my diet this week, it's cheap ain't it, I had cheese on toast yesterday morning because I'd fancied it for days, it was so good!  Then I had toast the day before, a slice of bread dunked in my slow cooker lamb, there's butter too because Aryn's having it on his toast, the temptation is strong, I have realised it really does contribute to giving me heartburn/indigestion though, you'd think that would stop me eating it wouldn't you.

I need to get ready for work, traffics bad again now they're back at school, so have to leave a little earlier.  Here's to getting through a busy day, I've had a good nights sleep because I went early and I'm still yawning!

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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