Tuesday 26 March 2024

Ready for the day! Are you?

Tuesday 26th March 2024

I'm feeling loads better today than I have since Saturday when the cold hit me, yesterday was as if it was bringing it out the other side and I've woken up without any of the body tiredness, so I'm ready to get back to taking care of myself properly.

I've just had scrambled egg on toast with a cheese triangle, that'll keep me going for hours, I'm enjoying a mug of tea too, I did go a month without any but I have missed it so I'm just gonna have a cup here and there and still have the hot water, which I'll be swapping for more cold water now it's warming up outside, a bit anyway.

I had physio yesterday and I've come so far since I started them in February, it was worth paying for, I did have the free NHS one but didn't get anywhere with that.  This one has given me exercises, adjusted them accordingly and massaged my piriformis muscle which I could tell helped the first time she did it, so she did it again yesterday and has given me more exercises so I shouldn't have to go again.  3 sessions was worth every penny!  An hour of exercises every morning for 2 calendar months, my first appointment was actually on February 26th.  My pain out of 10 then was easily an 8, yesterday it was a 2 or a 6 if I've been doing things.  I need to continue with the exercises but hopefully the more I build up the core muscles, the better I'll be and I'll be able to be more active.  I can now wash up without having to sit down to do it - that's massive progress!

We went to the gym yesterday and I was able to walk for 10 minutes with no pain in my back or leg, just my knee which is a different thing all together.  That's massive progress, normally by minute 3, I'm in pain and by 10 mins I'd want to cry!  WOO HOOOOOOO.  I'm going to take it stead and just build up 5 minutes each week, not go at it too fast, like I'm known to do!

I'm able to sleep on my left side now too, I couldn't do that for months, not even for a few minutes, it wasn't until I sat taking to her, how much progress I'd made.  It's so good, the weight loss will have helped too, so I need to remember that because I have let that slide and it's been a month of not doing it properly, I haven't tracked since the 10th and the scales have shown it!  

I've just stopped and tracked my breakfast, the bread wasn't weighed and the slices were all different sizes so I've had to guess the weight but I've done that, it's better than not tracking at all! 

Breakfast 323 calories including the tea.  I've got food in freezer for later, skint here but we can use what we have!  There's lots of food in the freezer and it can all be tracked!  Frozen and canned veggies are just as good as fresh!  

I managed 30 zone minutes thanks to the gym visit, 2093 calories throughout the day, I would've consumed more but that was yesterday - I'm focusing on today and the last few days of March.  I can cope with Easter, I have got us all an egg but I will resist I think and give Aryn two!   I've developed a sweet tooth, I need to get rid of, or if I want something sweet I need to track it!  

Right that's me having a word with myself, water is my focus for today and tracking everything regardless! 

What are you going to focus on?

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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