Wednesday 27 March 2024

Cats woke me up this morning - Aren't they lovely!

 Wednesday 27th March 2024

Finally a day honestly tracked, so one day done, now for day two, I also need to work on lowering the intake!  At least I ate good food!  Scrambled eggs on toast which are always lush then for dinner we had pasta bake.  I'd frozen some salami/pepperoni/ham slices because we weren't going to eat them so I took them out the freezer and chopped them up,  

I made a pasta sauce using a can of tomato paste that was Best Before December 2023, it was fine and will be for a few years, I made it using the paste, added some water, frozen garlic and dried herbs, I've frozen the other tubs for the next time we have pasta bake.  Added pasta, tin sweetcorn and topped with 100g cheddar.  Delicious and easy! 

The rest of my day was huddles, a trip to the food bank to drop stuff off, thanks to everyone who brings something as a donation, just one can of food, pack of spaghetti or loo roll helps.  

I started watching AJ and the queen last night, really liking it, could've stayed up longer but I went to bed at 9 knowing I needed to get that sleep as I wake up at the same time regardless of what time I go to bed!  

I was pleased with my Fitbit progress yesterday, 8,643 steps, 9 zone minutes and 2,330 calories burned only a couple hundred more than I consumed though!  So many of us believe we burn more than we do, we may have burned more when we were younger but as we age we burn less.  The weekend when I didn't do much I was only burning up 1800 calories and I know I consumed more without having tracked it!  

It's all good though, I'm going to the gym today with Aryn, we'll burn a few there, hopefully as my joint pain improves I'll be able to do more and burn more.  Wished I'd got a passion for having a tidy house, then I'd burn some doing the cleaning but I hate doing it, it's never-ending isn't it!

Let's not think about such things.  I need to think about todays food, I want to continue to use the freezer stuff, I'm thinking a bit of fish, although I fancy beans of toast too, I might have that for breakfast actually. 

I'm gonna get my day started, I've done my physio, got me an exercise ball to do the new exercises on it to save my knees, great physio lady listened to me and adjusted what I was doing accordingly.  It's worth getting out of bed earlier, even on the mornings I really don't want to!

Here's to a wonderful Wednesday, the sun's shining at the minute, maybe it'll last, it's still cold isn't it, I need some warmth in my bones, Easter at home for sure this year! 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x 

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