Thursday 8 June 2023

It's a good day to have a good day!

Thursday 8th June 2023
Enjoy your ordinary life! 
I really enjoyed my day yesterday, a wonderful huddle on the morning, then I came home and did a load of washing again, not one load but 3 or 4! I made the mistake of opening Aryn's bedroom door and seeing a pile up the corner, then realised he didn't have any clean trousers left for school so had to get those done.  Thankfully it all dried on the line, I went over the shop and bought another prop because I'm using 2 lines now, the joys of having a family I guess!  

I then sorted my clothes and emptied the last of my suitcase, all these things take time because I have to sit for 5 or 10 minutes to give my pain time to ease a little before starting again, roll on my doctors appointment Monday!  

Aryn came home and we couldn't go anywhere till a parcel came so we decided against the gym, I don't think he wanted to go anyway, once it had been delivered we went to Sainsburys to get the ingredients for 2 recipes he wanted to experiment with for school, next week he has to cook two recipes in an hour! 

The beef larb is one on our Be Happy Owls website   always a winner in my eyes, then he made a quick sticky toffee pudding served with cream, oh my days, I don't like usually like chocolate cake but this was delicious, I only had a small amount to taste it, but I could've easily have eaten a LOT MORE!  It takes less than 15 minutes to make too.  He's going to adapt it a little too now, I was really impressed with his thought process and the results. 


What I'm no so impressed with is the instruction I have had from him :( I'm not allowed to put photos of him on Facebook anymore, I was instructed to remove any I took in Corfu :( I'm guessing it's a teenage thing, I was gutted I won't lie but I will respect his request and decision.

My other meal was this; 
Almost 600 calories on that plate though, there is 2 slices of delicious bread underneath, a leftover chinese chicken thigh and lots of lovely salad with balsamic, oh I put Philadelphia light on the bread instead of butter, I need some cheese triangles I think to use instead of butter, they're a little more tasty.  I also want a tin of salmon after this weeks huddles, someone mentioned it yesterday with vinegar, but I bet tuna with vinegar wouldn't taste much different and I already have some of that.  Yeah that could be lunch today.

Sleep, I love sleep but I'm waking throughout the night because of pain sucks, I bought Davina McColls, Menopause book yesterday for 99p on kindle, it was on offer, have read the first few chapters, I think it could be responsible for a lot of my issues, the Menopause not her book of course :)

If I'm offered HRT, I will take it, I wouldn't have a decade ago but right now, I'd eat dog poo if it would help me feel better and I don't care about possible side effects to anything if it's going to ease my symptoms. 

I still think my leg pain is a different problem but you never know, we shall see, I just wished it would do one so I could go for a long walk, clean my house from top to bottom, do some gardening and get rid of all those weeds, I'm getting a bit emotional just typing this, it's so bloody frustrating!  My biggest fear in life has always been being disabled and not being able to take care of myself or get about.

Back to being positive, not thinking about the negatives, Aryn sat downstairs with me most of the night working on his school project, it was lovely, it meant I couldn't really watch tele but that's okay, there isn't that much to watch.  I'm on the first series of Firefly Lane that everyone's raved about, its okay but I'm not 'loving' it.  I started Bridgeton and felt the same about that too.  My sister told me to watch Mr Inbetween, again, it's alright but I'm not dying to go back and watch more, maybe it's me at the moment, I'm just not into tele.  I am enjoying reading though, did a bit of that yesterday, I love that I can do the audiobooks whilst pottering around the house. 

Right, I better get my ass of the sofa, I need to get dressed for work, here's to another great day, enjoying the ordinary in our lives, I bloomin love my life I really do, if I could lose the pain, it would be my perfect life. 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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