Wednesday 7 June 2023

Fall in love with the process

Wednesday 7th June 2023
You can only do your best.

4lb was the gain on the scales for me yesterday after my holiday, when you're eating and drinking like we were, it's to be expected isn't it and it was certainly enjoyed - I blame my brothers BBQ's :) 

Now to work on getting it all, plus more off and accepting it's not going to happen overnight!  I need to make changes and I need to make those changes permanent which as we all know is easier said than done.  

Fall in love with the process not the results!  That's the best bit of advise I've heard in a very, long time and I'm going to work on that.  This was the video I'd watched, he swears a lot so be prepared if you watch it but yeah I like this idea of falling in love with the process!  I enjoy swimming, I've fell in love with that process, I wished it wasn't in so much pain after I've been but I really do enjoy swimming.  I want to get myself some meals in my portfolio that are healthy and lower in calories, that I can fall back on without thinking every week so that I know I'm making good choices on those days.  

Coco is driving me mad trying to sit on my lap where a laptop is, I love him to bits but the pair of them got in my bedroom when I went to the bathroom at 1am and I wasn't able to get them back out so I ended up with a disturbed sleep for the rest of the night - grr! 

Aryn has asked to go to the gym so again we need to make that a habit and fall in love with it.  He does PE on a Monday anyway, but it's one of the only days I can go, then Wednesday is another day and we could go on Friday, I tend not to because it's when himself comes home but I might try it and see how we get on.   We shall start tonight, my issue is my pain with the gym, but if I take Aryn because he wants to go, even if I only do ten minutes walking on the treadmill, it's better than nothing.  

I will just take more painkillers if it means I can do a bit more, I'm managing the housework in small bite sizes pieces so I'll do exercise the same way.  I'm upping my steps on my fitbit which shows that I am moving more, here's to keeping that going.

Food is my next focus, I'm eating too much - end of!  I need to become accountable by using my nutracheck app to help me realise where those extra calories are coming from, I'm eating from the freezer and cupboards this week but I can do that healthy and without blowing my budget with a little thought.  

Alcohol - well we all know I drink too much of that, so that will definitely be my biggest obstacle, again I need to find a way to fall in love with the process.  I hear so many people say I love chocolate so they have a bit every day, I say the same about my wine, which justifies me having a glass every day but seriously, I actually love petit pois peas, mushrooms and onions but I don't feel the need to have them every day!  Food for thought that! 

What should keep me on track is the thought that maybe if I lose weight my pain won't be so bad!

That's easy to think at 6:09 am on a Wednesday morning, it makes complete sense and I'm motivated to do something about that, but then at 6:09 am on a Sunday morning when himself suggests we have a maccy's or a bacon butty it's easily forgotten.  

I don't expect myself to change overnight, but any positive changes are going to help, doing it for 5 days a week is better than not doing it at all.  I'm going to do my best, focus on the positives and work at falling in love with the process.

Here's to starting today in a positive way.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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