Monday 1 August 2022

Oooo fat photos are motivating!

LMonday 1st August 2022
You are not alone.

I did go over my calories yesterday but only by 379, which I'm pleased with especially as I had the lamb dinner I'd wanted and looked forward to and it cost me 1002 calories, then I opened a bottle of rose cava which was delicious, then himself had a glass so I opened another bottle but it didn't want anymore after his big glass so yes I drank it, I was celebrating the football wasn't I.

Such a shame lamb is so expensive because I love it, these were from Essington fruit farm last month, £12kg OUCH, won't be having them again for a very, very long time. 

Other than my lunch, all I'd eaten was a bacon and mushroom bap (259 calorie's total), need to get more mushrooms, they're really a favourite in this house even if Aryn doesn't like them - we do. 

I've got the other packet of bacon defrosted and some chicken breasts so I'm thinking of a chicken and bacon pasta bake maybe, make a huge one and freeze a couple of portions for another day, I might have a cooking day actually, need to see what room I have in the freezer first, tidy it up and sort things out.  Plan to use up some of the stuff that's in there.  Get Aryn eating the Chinese stuff he bought that he wanted to try! 

I finally feel motivated to continue doing this, I have my reasons for wanting too, I want my fitness levels up again, swimming absolutely tired me out Saturday, my knees hurts like hell most of the time and I know losing weight will help that.  Lots of reasons, Christmas countdown = 145 days EEK!  That's 20 weeks, I've never started a countdown this soon but hey why not, I have another Christmas to look forward to and one that needs saving up for too!

Now to get habits in place to keep me going, so Monday can be my plan the week day and cook, obviously if we're having a day out that won't always happen but I can do it when it's possible.  I have a UW appointment at 11.30 today so if we do go anywhere it won't be until this afternoon but I haven't planned anything, trying to save some money and we did the zoo last Monday and swimming on Saturday so he's not hard done by is he :) We have archery vouchers, I might try and get that booked for Friday and that can be this weeks.

Up at 3.45am this morning to see him off, but I did manage to go back to sleep for an hour although it took me about an hour.  I've been really tired the last week, well not tired in the day but tired early in the evening, another reason to eat well and lose weight, I know it was the day out last Monday and the swimming that contributed to that feeling of tiredness.

I'm bound to lose weight in the Morning, this is day 7 of 100% tracking, it's also my first week of getting on track, plus I gained last Tuesday so yeah I'll lose but whatever those pounds are that disappear, it's more important to focus on the following weeks efforts because it takes more than one week to achieve your goals.  

I had already decided I needed to sort myself out last Monday but this photo (which I wasn't going to share ever with anyone) was the one that screamed at me SORT IT OUT BEV!

Look at me cuddling my belly!  Then I just look square on this one; 

I realised I haven't seen a photo I did like that showed my body for a long time, the ones on our holidays or days out, especially when you're caught  on camera and you don't know.  
I'm finding some out as a reminder to me, these were two my brother took when we were on holiday in Wales; 


Yeah I need to keep remembering why I'm doing this because it's easy to forget.

On that note, here's to a great day ahead making it matter and not wasting it sitting on my ass.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx


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