Tuesday 2 August 2022

One week down - day 8

Tuesday 2nd August 2022
Have a great day.

Well I did it, a full week on track and all tracked on my nutracheck app, yesterday I finished on 1240 calories.  I had mushrooms on a toasted crust for a late breakfast (forgot photo).  I'd been shopping first to get veggies and salad, after going through the freezer, seeing not just what I have but how many calories are in it, so I've written that all down to help me plan.  I bought the cheapest loaf they had as we don't eat much of it and when we do we usually toast it, well I dry fry mine normally, cheaper that the 400g Warburton's wholemeal I usually have and twice the size.  

We had a drive to a National Trust (I have the annual pass so free for year now, we will get our monies worth!) Calke Abbey, after a walk round there, it was only a few miles from my besties so we nipped in to see her and the kids, so lovely to catch up.

I'd already planned dinner and resisting Aryn's many suggestions of eating out, having a maccy's etc, I just kept saying nope, I've defrosted food to cook and it has to be used - go me!

Our dinner didn't take long to cook either, about 20 minutes I reckon, here's the ingredients, this was just my portions ingredients as I used 3 breasts and 6 slices of bacon and split it 3 ways, I put more bacon on Aryns as he did have mushrooms or onions which I cooked in a separate pan.

Oh and a teaspoon of oil for all of it, must add that to the tracker (14 cals).  If I do say so myself this was delicious!  It filled me up too, I've got a third of the chicken, bacon, mushroom and onion mix left, was thinking it would be good on a jacket potato, will pop it in freezer this morning or maybe have tomorrow lunch, it'll be okay in fridge till then.

Today I'm cooking the 12% beef mince whoopsie I took out the freezer yesterday (turns out I have 3 of them in there), I'm going to fry it with mushrooms, onions and diced carrots, mix a couple of oxo cubes in and top with sliced new potatoes put a bit of cheese on it and grill.  I'm not sure if I'm going to try and fool Aryn or do him some mince separately, probably the latter as then at least I know he'll eat it!
We'll have it served with broccoli, nom  nom.  I'm in the zone and finding it easier than I have in a long time, mostly because I am reminding myself of my reasons, to be fair my knee reminds me every time I get out the car.

The scales will tell me if I've lost this morning but as I said yesterday, I'm more interested in the result of every week that's going to follow, not todays because the first weeks always the one you know you'll lose!  Well it is when you've gained the week before and know you've been eating like a greedy bitch for weeks.

I hard boiled some eggs yesterday too because Aryn went to pick a couple up in the garage and I said I can cook six for that price, plus I was about to make his dinner and they would've filled him up on top of the reduced sarnie he'd picked up! 

I might have one of them for breakfast, we'll see, I'm loving my mushrooms right now, so it'll probably be then on a slice of toast again.  I did buy bananas yesterday though and I have some yogurt left, but I never find that fills me up for breakfast.

Well I need to go wash up and get ready for work, see some of you later today or some time this week.  Let's all put our health at the top of our to do list shall we?
Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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