Wednesday 8 December 2021

Mid week already!

Wednesday 8th December 2021 
You are amazing, just the way you are.

Well I gained 1.5lb from my travels, which I'll take, after realising I didn't just eat breakfast and dinner every day, I also had McDonalds twice, a fancy meal out and I consumed almost a bottle of Bailey's over the course of the week, nice in a cup of coffee isn't it!  No to remind myself 'It's not Christmas YET!' 

Yesterday I had banana and Greek yogurt with a little agave syrup for breakfast, lentil soup and bread for lunch then for my tea I had eggs and tomato on toast.  I was encouraged to have a slice of cheesecake though, I need to learn to resist and say no now and not be led astray. 

It was great to be back in our meetings and catch up with everyone, have a giggle, see them celebrate their losses or even their maintains/gains because they'd be celebrating life over the previous week. 

I collected Alfie's ashes which was sad and made me emotional but now he's under the stairs with mom and when I get the opportunity I shall scatter them together on a beach in Wales where they can play together forever on the sands.

I shall mostly be eating eggs today because I have loads of them that need using!  Might make a big omelette and add peppers and onions, some sweetcorn and peas maybe, mmm yeah, good plan.  I really enjoyed the soup yesterday too, so lots more of that planned for the foreseeable, great way to get some goodness into me.  With Christmas around the corner and overindulgence guaranteed, I want to focus on healthy foods as much as possible right now, fruit, veggies, fibre, vitamins, minerals, all that important stuff.  Plenty of fluids, get moving again because I'm not walking Alfie so I'm not getting any daily walk in.

Once again, life has changed and I'm adapting and readjusting, change is the only guarantee in life, it's all about how we react to situations.  I'm all for focusing on the positive, showing gratitude and making the best of every situation thrown at us. 

With that in mind, I'm going to get ready for work, put the bin out, prep the veggies for my omelette which I think I'll have for lunch, thinking fruit and yogurt for breakfast, just had me a lovely vanilla latte for 74 calories, nom nom. 

Here's to a very, great day, I'm looking forward to mine - are you?

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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