Thursday 9 December 2021

At least I've upped my fruit intake.

Thursday 9th December 2021 
Whatever you are, be a good one.

Busy day yesterday getting stuff done, rushing round but still got to enjoy going to work and seeing our members, I'm looking forward to doing that again today.

Food wise, I had an apple and a pear for breakfast, a veggie omelette for lunch, then it went downhill with a slice of pizza and a bag of popcorn for tea followed by a small tiramisu!   Being led astray ain't I, can't pass the blame though as I have the power to say no and I know I will, it's just a novelty at the minute, it won't last. 

I'm definitely making broccoli cheese today because I want it used up, I've got a third of the omelette left which I'll have for breakfast with a bit of fruit, I might make some healthy blueberry muffins later or tomorrow, just found a recipe on pinterest that I fancy doing, great way of getting goodness into kids and adults alike.  Blueberry Oatmeal Greek Yogurt Muffins - Healthy Bluberry Muffins ( 

Ever the optimist ain't I that I'll have the time and / or inclination to do stuff, I was told by someone yesterday, 'I love how optimistic you are', it was said in a slightly derogatory way but you know what, if you go into something expecting to fail then you will!  If you go in with optimism and enthusiasm you have more chance of succeeding and that's who I am and always will be if I have my way.

I better get ready for work :) I've been up since half four enjoying the peace and quiet and a mug of tea, but now I need to move my backside!

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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