Tuesday 11 May 2021

Here's to another good day

Tuesday 11th May 2021
Collect moments not things.

Well it turns out I have a tardis room upstairs not an office, seriously how much stuff can you get in a room that supposed to be the box room!  I've got rid of most of the stuff that I'm not keeping, a few things left to rehome but there's still loads in there!  It's hard at first to let things go, it's emotional actually but the more I do it, the easier it gets and I love the space it leaves behind.  I'm gonna box it all up next so I can give the room a deep clean, now seen so much dust and cobwebs.  I might even paint it too once it's empty, see this is what happens once you start, you see that everywhere needs doing!  

If I take my time, a bit here a bit there, it'll all get done and it'll be cheaper than paying someone to decorate, I'm hoping the yoga will keep get me flexible and strong again so my shoulder doesn't end up in agony like it did scraping the walls. I believe use it or lose it though, so I'll risk it. 

I spent most of the morning on sorting, then when I eventually stopped around two it was because my body was starting to hurt and I was hungry, I cooked my bbq chicken thighs from Penn Road Butchers and made pittas with them, you can tell I was famished cos I took no care taking the photos, I just wanted to eat. 


That chicken is worth 150 calories per 100g and I really enjoyed the salad even though it's still not sunny!  Note to self - take the time to chop salad and eat it more often, it's good for you! 

I'm ready to get my healthy back again now, the more I declutter, the more my house is coming together, the better I feel.  Don't get me wrong there's still tears at time but they're coming from a place of love and loss, like yesterday whilst sorting I found mom hessian Christmas sack that has her name on it, I remember buying it and she loved going through that bag every year as I filled it full of crap she'd love, then I'd put it away for the following year, I think I knew when I put it away last Christmas, it wouldn't be used again. 

She's still everywhere in this house, from photos to her suitcase, not forgetting she is actually in a box under the stairs at the minute lol, ah you gotta laugh, she would - she's only there cos of the plastering, she's not doing a Harry Potter, she ain't staying there, we're going to put a bench around her favourite tree and she'll be inside the bench so we can sit with her on days we miss her most.

She loved stones didn't she, I have this idea that she'd love to be inside a big rock or a concrete box with a lid on, but if you start drilling into a big rock, surely it would break in half, it's not really feasible is it.  Anyway, I'm waffling. 

A busy day ahead, out and about today, love that Alfie can come with me, he behaves in the car and around people, little smasher, this time next week we'll be doing our first sit down huddles, lol, I was gonna lose weight for them - mmm well I managed half stone, that's something ain't it, I've had other things on my mind ain't I.  

I did resist ordering a Chinese takeaway yesterday, I'd even got it in the basket on their website, but said to myself "no I already have plenty of food in this house to be going at, I can't afford it, I don't need it, so I didn't have it!"  I can't eat crisps and crap cos there ain't not in the house anymore, that's helping too.  I ended up with potato wedges and the last of the chicken drummers, they're out my system now and won't be purchased again. 

Look forward to seeing lots of people today, whatever you're doing, enjoy it.  Take time to take care of yourself too. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx     

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