Monday 10 May 2021

Eat that frog!

Monday 10th May 2021

Well project declutter office is well underway, but it'll take more than a few hours!  It's amazing how much stuff you can get in one small box room, I'm having to go through the paperwork before chucking it to make sure my bank details etc aren't on there and somewhere are the deeds to my house and I've not found them yet, doh!  I made good progress though, filled the boot of my car with stuff to pass on, half filled the bin with rubbish.  I only did a couple of hours because I was on zoom till ten, then walked Alfie twice and about lunchtime, I suddenly realised I hadn't eaten yet, that doesn't happen very often!  I'd got someone coming round to sit in the garden and have a UW quote (yes we can do that now so if you've been interested but not great with technology, it can be done face to face), so I grabbed a tin of tuna and ate it out the tin, oh and fed Alfie too cos I'd forgotten us both (bad dog owner).

Julie B took pity on me when she arrived and saw me eating out of a tuna tin, asked me what I planned to have for my dinner and my honest reply was whatever I can grab as the kitchen was full of stuff from the living room whilst the plasterer did the ways.  

Once he'd gone, and I'd signed Julie up, she offered to make me a dinner, how lovely are people!  I stood looking at my house, plaster dust everywhere, absolutely everywhere, it can't be helped, plus I'd had the room upstairs done last week hadn't I.  I got the hoover (which I hate doing) and got to clearing up, starting at the top and working my way down!  I'd just finished the mopping and was washing down the window sill, when a man on a white horse (I mean a bloke in a white car) pulled up, it was meals on wheels from Julie and Arf with this fine looking pork dinner and ma'an was it welcomed and well timed.  

I went and sat on a stool in the kitchen and inhaled it, I did give the dog a bit of my meat but I did't want too, I didn't realise I liked pork that much, I've never cooked it that well, meat is not my forte at all, oh and those spuds, done in the actifry with potato seasoning apparently, well I could've eaten a whole plate of them with gravy, and who knew I liked apple sauce.  Food taste so much better when a) someone else cooks it and b) you're actually hungry when you start eating. 

I've just done the washing up from the last two days (I know I'm a scrammel) but I'd been putting it off because of the chaos in the kitchen / rest of house and when I finally did it, it didn't take long and reminded me of eat that frog book, basically a book about procrastination and why you should get the worst job of the day done first, it really does make a difference, I feel ready to get stuck into that damn office again now.  I did find a few things in there that made my heart sing though, scrap books and photos of good times and memories, not just with mom but with my friends, it was good to be reminded of those times because I can start having them again now. 

Not today though, today the biggest decision I'm going to make is whether to go brave Ikea whilst Alfie's at the groomers, or to wait until more stuff is done in the house, although I could do with looking at paint for the walls too.  I just feel I need that office doing whilst I have the mood to eat the frog. 

I've planned my food today, I've defrosted BBQ chicken thighs from Penn Road butchers and I've got pitta breads, so that's my main meal sussed, I might have them with chips or frozen roasters because those yesterday have given me a craving for more :) 

What you putting off?  What are you holding onto that no longer serves you, things that are holding you back or just stuff that's cluttering up your home or mind?   

I'm working on me, a little bit at a time, decluttering is one part of it, figuring out what you want from life takes longer than a day.  So far I've realised I don't want to rush anymore or work more than I need too, I'd rather earn enough to pay the bills and enjoy every day a little more than work my ass off to buy stuff I don't need to impress people that don't matter or to save for a year for a week away from a life I don't like!  How many people do you know who are doing that? 

On that thought, I'm gonna get moving cos I'm sitting in the living room with the windows wide open to help the plaster dry as they were all steamed up with condensation when I came down.

Here's to another great week, make May matter. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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